BRIN Researcher Positive Response Puan Maharani's Name As A Presidential Candidate For 2024

JAKARTA - President Researcher of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Prof. Dr. Siti Zuharo responded positively to the emergence of Puan Maharani's name as one of the potential Presidential Candidates in the upcoming 2024 General Election.

According to her, Puan Maharani has had a long experience in the political field and is fairly mature. So the 2024 presidential election is the right time for Puan to advance to a higher stage as President.

More than that, the presence of Puan Maharani is the longing of many women in Indonesia who want national leadership to be controlled by women. With the majority of the population being women, it is very natural for women to go down the mountain to take over national leadership.

"Mrs. Puan Maharani's moment is now. It's like a fruit, she's ripe, so it's time. She's not really an ups and downs. At the beginning, she became a member of the party first, advanced as a member of the DPR RI, the Chair of the faction, the Minister and when this was the first female Speaker of the DPR RI, then it's time to become President, I support her to run, especially as a fellow woman, I support women to become president. That's my attitude," said Siti when she was a resource person in the Indonesian Point Political Discussion entitled "Time for Women's President" in Jakarta, Saturday, October 29.

Siti said, society, especially women, must have a political preference to choose a candidate for Presidential Candidate among women. This is not without reason, because for a long time women have not had a place that is really open in society to become leaders.

"Because actually the women's abilities are not inferior, they can even go far beyond men. I am always happy if there are women who run as presidential candidates like Mrs. Puan. So Indonesian women should support women with the spirit of women to support their fellow women," he said.

Lebih dari itu pemimpin perempuan memiliki keunggulan tersendiri antara lain memiliki kesensitivitas emosional, empati dan simpatirasi yang baik, sangat deteil, dan kesulusan Budi bahasanya membuat banyak persoalan bisa terselesaikan dengan baik.

"Another thing is that many problems so far have been related to women such as violence, inequality, maternal and child mortality, stunting or malnutrition, or discriminatory treatment will be easier for others to overcome because she understands the conditions and problems well. What is the problem is that women need a touch of women," said Siti.

He gave an example of Puan's alignment with the issue of sexual violence, stunting and job opportunities for women who when Puan was Coordinating Minister for PMK and Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives currently have very clear sides.

"I imagine that problems like this will be difficult to overcome if not by the woman herself. So it is very natural and it is time for us to have a female president, including Mrs. Puan, of course," said Siti.

Siti also reminded that people need to be observant in choosing leaders and not easily fooled by the results of surveys that promote popularity and electability.

"I say it is misleading if we choose only because of the survey results. If the case is popularity, there are many famous artists. But can the President have the benchmark? Of course not," he explained.

"It's a shame our size is a survey. We need to really calculate the quality of the leader, the extent of his side, his track record, his commitment to corruption. People like Mrs. Puan have quality and capacity and a clear track record. That in the survey the results are low, it should not be a measure," said Siti.

He even advised Puan to continue to appear as natural as she is without unnecessary and cosmetic frills.

"Don't force him to go down to the culverts. It's not him. Just let it appear as it is, naturally, just be your self, you don't have to imitate people," said Siti.

He believes that the PDI-P as the party that oversees Puan has a party engine that is able to massively socialize Puan to the public.

"I am very confident that the situation will be different once the PDI-P officially nominates him, the party machine will work and the acceptance of Mrs. Puan will definitely be better than it is today," he said.

For Siti, the female leader is not only time, but Indonesia should have a female president in the 2024 General Election.

"Women need to determine their own destiny and don't forget that women are a big political force at this time, which I think is very reasonable and reasonable if fellow women support women's presidential candidates as well. This is Mrs. Puan's big capital, she just has to take a continuous approach with effective communication. I believe she is able to win the hearts of all women in Indonesia," said Siti.

On the same occasion, the Chairperson of the National Secretariat, Puan Maharani, President (PMP) Firman Tendry Masengi, invited the public to ensure that in the 2024 General Election, Indonesia had the first female President to be directly elected.

"We want the first female president to be directly elected, not because of the administrative heritage. And I believe that is with Mrs. Puan Maharani. The formula is simple, the fate of women is determined by the woman herself," concluded Firman.