Polda Metro Jaya Ready To Cooperate With Companies Who Want To Make Urine Tests For Employees

The Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya said it was ready to cooperate with companies that needed assistance to conduct urine tests for their employees."Go ahead, if you want to cooperate, go ahead," said Director of the Metro Jaya Police Narcotics Investigation Kombes Pol. Mukti Juharsa, quoted from Antara, Saturday, October 29.Mukti added that the urine test was not carried out based on police initiatives, but based on requests from parties in need."Waiting for a request, we are not proactive. This can also be used for neighbors, for example suspecting drug and the head of the RW asking for help, then we help. So the cooperation is not for us to pick up the ball," said Mukti.The cooperation plan with the corporation is the development of a urine test plan by the police on campus in the Jakarta area.Mukti said Polda Metro Jaya would conduct a urine test at the university environment if there was a request for a urine test from the campus."Later we will work together first. Remember we are working together in the sense of which campus we ask for us to prepare," he said.Furthermore, he explained that the drug trafficking prevention program with urine tests was not limited to the scope of campuses and offices.All parties, starting from the RT management, RW management, and even the school, may submit an application for a urine test to the Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police."Actually, it's not just campuses, that's for everything, for schools too, in Tangguh Village too, not specifically for campuses, but for everything. To suppress drug trafficking in Jakarta. So it's not just for campuses but for everything," he said.