The Short Story Of Johanis Tanak Elected Becomes Deputy Chair Of The KPK: Starting From Executive Tests To Inauguration

JAKARTA - President Jokowi proposed two names of the Deputy Chairmen of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to replace Lili Pintauli Siregar who officially resigned on July 11, 2022. The two names are I Nyoman Wara, the Main Auditor of the Investigation Agency of the Financial Audit Agency and Johanis Tanak, the Director of State Administration at the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration.

In the fit and proper test conducted by Commission III of the DPR RI, I Nyoman Wara conveyed about the trilogy of eradicating corruption using the triangular approach.

The first is to build awareness of anti-corruption in society. According to him, this point is important so that all parties understand the bad effects of corrupt behavior.

The second is to strengthen the corruption prevention system. One of them is by implementing a national strategy to eradicate corruption which is actually owned by the government.

Third, how to make effective actions that remain professional and accountable.

His mindset is to form an anti-corruption culture so that Indonesia is free from corruption. Because, according to Nyoman, corruption occurs because of three things, namely due to pressure, opportunity or opportunity, and rationalization from perpetrators of corruption.

"This is nothing new, as an optimization of what has been implemented by the government and the KPK so far," Nyoman said in a fit and proper test at the Commission III Meeting Room, Parliament Complex on September 28, 2022.

President Jokowi witnessed the pronunciation of Johanis Tanak's promise as Deputy Chair and a member of the KPK leadership in the remaining 2019-2023 term at the State Palace, Jakarta on October 28, 2022. (BPMI Setpres/Lukas)

Meanwhile, Johanis Tanak's vision and mission prioritizes handling corruption cases through preventive measures. Johanis considered it better to prevent than to treat. In terms of costs, of course, it is lighter and does not burden state finances.

"There are quite a lot of costs incurred by the state for investigations, for investigations, for prosecution, to execution," he said.

As a prosecutor, Johanis has experience as an investigator who handles corruption cases. So, he understands the mechanism. In corruption cases, the state seeks not to disburse state money. But, when law enforcement handles corruption cases, the more state money is disbursed.

In addition, Johanis also mentioned the application of restorative justice for corruption cases. Restorative justice is the settlement of criminal cases by involving perpetrators, victims, families of perpetrators/victims, and other related parties to jointly seek a fair solution by emphasizing restoration to its original state, and not retaliation.

"But is it possible that what I think is acceptable, I also don't know. My hope is acceptable," added the man who served as Head of the Central Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office in 2016.

The fit and proper test did not last long because, both Nyoman and Johanis had already undergone the same test in 2019.

After the presentation of his second vision and mission, Commission III of the DPR immediately held an internal meeting to conduct elections. As a result, Nyoman received 14 votes, while Johanis Tanak had 38 votes, and 1 vote was invalid.

Internal meeting then concluded that the elected candidate for replacement for the KPK leadership for the 2019-2023 term of office was Mr. Dr. Johanis Tanak, SH, MH, as written in the Commission III report of the DPR RI regarding the process of selecting and determining candidates for replacement members of the KPK leadership for the 2019-2023 term of office at the Plenary Meeting of the DPR RI dated September 29, 2022.

President Jokowi then issued Presidential Decree No. 103/P of 2022 concerning the Appointment of KPK Leaderships which was set in Jakarta on October 20, 2022 and inaugurated Johanis Tanak on October 28, 2022 at the State Palace.

"I promise that I will be loyal to and will maintain and practice Pancasila as the basis of the state, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the laws and regulations that apply to the Republic of Indonesia," Johanis said reading a piece of promise before President Jokowi.

"I promise that I will always carry out my duties and authorities seriously, carefully, objectively, honestly, bravely, fairly, not differentiate my position, ethnicity, religion, race, gender, and certain groups and will carry out my obligations as well as possible, and take full responsibility to God Almighty, society, nation, and state," Johanis continued.

As Deputy Chairperson and member of the KPK leadership, Johanis is committed to working in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri welcomed it. The existence of Johanis will make the KPK even more solid. Of course, with Johanis' background as a prosecutor, it will increase energy to eradicate corruption.

Johanis, said Firli, must understand the construction of a corruption case so that it can be brought and presented in court. What is important is that the construction of the article presented by the KPK can lead to the confidence of the judge to decide a case.

"We have an auditor of Mr. Alexander Marwata, an auditor and ad hoc corruption judge. We have Nurul Ghufron, his background is criminal law discipline, he was the dean of FH at Jember University. Finally, there is Mr. Nawawi Pamolango," said Firli at the State Palace after the inauguration, Friday (28/10).

Welcome and welcome to join the ranks of the KPK. Let's clean this country from corrupt practices," Firli's message was as reported by the KPK's official website, Friday (28/10).

Citing the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN), Johanis Tanak has a wealth of IDR 8.9 billion per 2021. Consisting of four lands and buildings worth a total of IDR 4.5 billion.

Land along with buildings covering an area of 200 square meters in East Jakarta and three other lands located in Karawang and East Jakarta.

Johanis Tanak also has four vehicles worth IDR 239 million consisting of two cars and two motorcycles. The 1997 Toyota Corolla car, the 2004 Honda CR-V, the 2011 Yamaha Mio motorcycle, and the Universal CJ 7 1980 Willy's car.

Johanis Tanak's next source of wealth is other movable assets worth IDR 55 million, securities worth IDR 200 million, and cash and cash equivalents worth IDR 3.8 billion. He is noted to have no debt.