Ambon City Government: COVID-19 Tombs Can Be Transferred To TPUs If They Comply With The Procedures

The City Government (Pemkot) of Ambon, Maluku, has allowed the process of moving the COVID-19 tomb to a new Public Cemetery if it is in accordance with the established procedures. "We only take care of the administration to be signed by Acting Mayor of Ambon Bodew Wattimena with the approval of a forensic expert doctor, but for the implementation of the transfer of the body, and whether it is feasible the body is transferred to the business of a forensic expert," said Head of the Public Housing and Settlement Areas Service (PRKP) Ambon City, Rustam Simanjuntak, in Ambon, Saturday.

"Meanwhile, a file has been signed to be transferred in the near future," he said, quoted by Antara. Previously, it was reported that moving the body from the COVID-19 TPU in Hunuth Village, residents had to pay Rp. 23 million., that the money was used for anything, because the City Government did not know anything about the costs," he said.