DISCLOSED! There Is No Budget Allocation For The Procurement Of Electric Cars, Ministry Of Finance: Still Being Processed

The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has given a signal that until now there has been no budget determination in the mandatory procurement of electric cars for government service purposes.

This assurance was conveyed directly by the Director of Law and Public Relations of the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance, Tri Wahyuningsih Retno Mulyani, to the media crew on Friday, October 28.

"Well, this is still in process and we have conveyed how it is for that management. What is clear, every matter related to procurement must be approved (Ministry of Finance) because we are the management parties," he said through an online channel.

According to Ani, as Wahyuningsih is called, his party ensures that it will continue to support the government's strategic steps that have a positive impact on the economy.

"In principle, because it is a policy, it will definitely support the electric service vehicle," he said.

Even so, state treasure agencies have procedures and flow that must be met regarding every procurement of government goods/services because the source of funding comes from the state budget.

"Here we do have standard goods and standard needs (SBSK) in the state property procurement plan (BMN)," he said.

I To note, one thing that is interesting in this mandatory is the classification of vehicles that will be used by officials.

The reason is, in conventional cars, class sequences are determined based on the volume of the engine cubication alias cc of the car. Meanwhile, for this stun vehicle, no standard standard has been set.

Meanwhile, instructions for the use of electric cars for official vehicles are contained in Presidential Instruction Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Use of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles as Vehicles of the Operational and Or Individual Service of Central Government Agencies and Regional Governments.