1,350 Police Personnel Deployed To Secure The Election Of Medan Regional Election

MEDAN - The Medan City Police, North Sumatra, deployed 1,350 personnel to secure the Medan Pilkada which will be held on December 9.

Kapolrestabes Medan Kombes Riko Sunarko said that the thousands of personnel would be deployed to all polling stations (TPS), election administration offices and a number of points deemed vulnerable in Medan City.

"In total there are 1,350 personnel on duty to carry out security," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, December 7.

Kombes Riko said his party would also be assisted by the North Sumatra Police Mobile Brigade Unit and the North Sumatra Police Sabhara Directorate.

"I hope that before being assigned, the personnel will be in good health and carry out their duties responsibly," he said.

Kombes Riko asked security personnel to be humanist and professional and play an active role in the implementation of democracy.

"If there is a disturbance situation, immediately act decisively for the smooth implementation of voting and the calculation stages," he said.

The Makassar Pilkada was guarded by 2,692 Police

Meanwhile, Polrestabes Makassar and Polda South Sulawesi (Sulsel) deployed 2,692 personnel to secure the voting on December 9.

Kapolrestabes Makassar Kombes Witnu Urip Laksana said all personnel who had been alerted to secure the 2020 Makassar Pilkada must understand their main duties and functions, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The current situation is still in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic and we must adhere to health protocols. Every member who carries out security duties, must be able to make everything successful. Success in the election, success is also in security," he said as quoted by Antara.

He said that every member assigned to secure the elections is demanded to be able to guard the course of the democratic party.

Of the 2,692 combined personnel, 1,452 Makassar Polrestabes personnel and 1,238 assistance from the South Sulawesi Regional Police consisting of 300 Brimob Units, 170 Ditsamapta, and 768 South Sulawesi Police staff.

"Not only that, we have also deployed our members to carry out PAM TPS. A total of 1,568 have joined forces with BKO elements from both the Regional Police and the Archipelago Mobile Brigade," said Kombes Witnu.

Meanwhile, the Acting Mayor of Makassar Rudy Djamaluddin hopes that all processes and stages of the regional elections will run smoothly and successfully. Rudy appealed to all residents of Makassar City to implement health protocols primarily to avoid crowds ahead of the regional elections until the Christmas and New Year celebrations.