Develop New Business Sources, BRI Lifts Economic Potential In The 3T Region

JAKARTA - Through various structured and systematic community empowerment programs, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk continues to strive to develop MSMEs by developing local economic potential. One of them is the people of Kupang.

Director of Micro Business BRI Supari revealed that the company continues to strive to create new business sources of growth. It must also be done sustainably by paying attention to aspects of people, profit and planets.

What we are doing in Kupang is a small example so that BRI can grow sustain. What BRI has done is to be able to grow today and anticipate challenges as well as future competition," Supari said in an official statement, Friday, October 28.

In reaching and optimizing ultra micro business actors, through Ultra Micro Holding (UMi), BRI's synergy with Pegadaian and PNM (National Madani Capital) makes it easier for the public to access financial services. The public can access financial services/products from three entities in one place only, namely the SENYUM co-location ( Ultra Micro Service Center).

Cross selling in Ultra Micro Holding is also supported by the digitization of adequate business processes and services, one of which is the Mobile Smile. The platform is supported by BRISPOT which makes the credit application process faster and the Digitized Pedialian Sales Pipeline Management System (SELENA).

The Busalangga Unit pawnshop is one of the outlets with the best performance and low Non Performing Loans. There is an increase in outstanding and the number of customers through this UMi Holding synergy. From the BRI side, BRI Unit also benefits from opening accounts by Pegadaian customers, so that both entities benefit each other," said Supari.

Present with Supari, Professor Jay K. Rosengard who is an Adjunct Lecturer at Harvard's Public Policy Kennedy School revealed that BRI has succeeded in building a community banking ecosystem. Professor Jay even stated that BRI has a big role in realizing financial inclusion in Indonesia. He mentioned one example, this bank with the widest network in Indonesia also provides services that are close to the community through the branchless banking of AgenBRILink.

One of these empowerment can be seen from the presence of Elia, AgenBRILink's partner in Kupang. Since joining 4 years ago, he said that now the surrounding community no longer needs to travel for 30 minutes to the nearest unit branch. Various banking services at AgenBRILink, said Elia, can be fulfilled at any time just by visiting his grocery store.

Elia also added services by becoming an agent of Mitra UMi so that it can help people who want to get business capital loans such as trading and agriculture. Being an AgenBRILink apart from being a social perspective can help the surrounding community, Elia also feels that it can increase income. BRILink's agent Elia serves customers who come from 3-4 other sub-districts.

"BRI helps the people of Rote get banking services through BRILink's Agent, also helps my business progress," said Elia.

For the business group development program, BRI also successfully catapulted the Janur Kuning Weaving Cluster on Rote Island. As is known, Tenun Kebungan is a cultural heritage of the people there. The business cluster was officially founded in 2002 and consists of 5 people. Over time, the number of members has also increased, which is currently 35 people.

The business group was led by Monica as the head of the cluster which is also a customer of BRI's People's Business Credit (KUR) with a ceiling of IDR 25 million. This business cluster makes traditional ikat woven fabrics using simple tools, but produces products that can improve the community's economy and the welfare of business group members.

The production of this business group is marketed not only on Rote Island but also through social media. So that customers from outside the region such as Jakarta can buy their products. The challenges faced by entrepreneurs are the price of raw materials that are increasingly expensive and there are limited capital. With the recovery of the tourism sector after the pandemic, as well as the existence of KUR and Kupedes BRI loans, the business group members are now able to develop their business.

"BRI not only gives me confidence in the form of capital loans, but also training that can help mothers here increase their family income and expand the marketing of Rote Island motif weaving," said Monica.

With the geographical location of Rote Island as a 3T (Disadvantaged, Frontier, and Outermost) area, it is still very rare for banks to enter Rote, so that BRI's role in this area becomes very important. In addition to providing banking financial services, it is also to increase public financial literacy and inclusion on Rote Island.