Bribe Damanti Wisnu Putranti, Hong Arta Charged 2 Years In Prison

JAKARTA - Director and Commissioner of PT Sharleen Raya (Jeco Group) Hong Arta Jhon Alfred was charged with 2 years in prison, a subsidiary of three months and a fine of IDR 150 million by the Public Prosecutor at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Hong Arta Jhon Alfred is considered proven guilty of bribing Damayanti Wisnu Putranti when he was a member of Commission V from the PDI-Perjuangan faction (now former) and former Head of the Maluku and North Maluku National Road Implementation Agency (BPJN) IX Amran Hi Mustary worth Rp. 11.6 billion.

"Demand that the panel of judges at the corruption court (Tipikor) declare the defendant Hong Artha Jhon Alfred proven legally and convincingly guilty of jointly committing several acts of corruption," said KPK public prosecutor (JPU) Budhi Sarumpaet at the Corruption Court in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, December 7.

In his demands, the prosecutor also considered burdensome things, namely, the defendant's actions did not support the government's efforts to eradicate corruption and could damage the public's image and trust in the PUPR Ministry, especially in BPJN IX Malku and North Maluku.

"As a relief, Hong Artha has never been convicted, was cooperative during the examination at the trial and regretted his actions," said the prosecutor.

In this case, Hong Artha John Alfred as Director and Commissioner of PT Sharleen Raya (Jeco Group) together with Abdul Khoir as President Director of PT Windhu Tunggal Utama and So Kok Seng alias Aseng as Commissioner of PT Cahaya Mas Perkasa gave Rp. 8 billion, IDR2.6 billion and IDR1 billion, respectively in US dollars to Damayanti Wisnu Putranti as a member of the 2014-2019 DPR and Amran Hi Mustary as Head of the Maluku and North Maluku National Road Implementation Agency (BPJN) IX.

The purpose of giving the bribe was so that Damayanti and Amran would try to get Hong Arta to receive the Aspiration Program project package from members of Commission V DPR RI in the work area of BPJN IX Maluku and North Maluku based on the Program and Budget Entry List (DIPA) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) ) Fiscal Year 2016.

First, the provision of Rp. 8 billion in US dollars to Amran Hi Mustari was aimed at the appointment of Amran as Head of BPJN IX Maluku and North Maluku.

Money was handed over on July 13 2015 in US dollars. The source of money came from Hong Arta amounting to Rp3.5 billion and from Abdul Khoir amounting to Rp4.5 billion. The money was handed over to Herry, Herry then handed over IDR 7 billion to Imran while Herry took the IDR 1 billion.

In July 2015, Abdul Khoir again gave Rp1 billion to Amran as compensation for his lack of succession as head of BPJN IX.

Second, the provision of "one-stop funds" in the amount of Rp2.6 billion in US dollars to Amran Hi Mustary for the management of the DPR Commission V aspiration program package. Initially, Amran asked Abdul Khoir for Rp3 billion.

The money was agreed to come from several sources, namely Hong Arta, Abdul Khoir, Commissioner of PT Cahaya Mas Perkara So Kok Seng aka Aseng, Commissioner of PT Papua Putra Mandiri Henock Setiawan alias Rino who gave Rp. 500 million each for "one-door funds" while Director of CV Putra Mandiri Charles Fransz alias Carlos gave IDR 600 million so that IDR 2.6 billion was collected.

The money was deposited into a bank account in Erwantoro's name while the shortage of money would be requested from another partner but apparently no other partner was willing to provide additional money to complete the IDR 3 billion.

The money was then handed over by Abdul Khoir to Amran Hi Mustary through Imran S Djumadil on August 22, 2015.

Third, the provision of Rp1 billion to Damayanti Wisnu Putranti as a member of Commission V of the Indonesian Parliament for assistance in the election campaign for Regional Heads in Central Java.

"What is done by means of each will give a total of Rp330 million which will be paid in advance using the money of the defendant," added the prosecutor.

Hong Arta then sent Rp1 billion to Erwantoro's account on November 26, 2015. After the money came in, Abdul Khoir then asked Erwantoro to exchange the money into US dollars.

Erwantoro then handed it over to Damayanti through Damayanti's friend, Dessy A Edwin, in front of the lobby of the Directorate General of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (Ditjen SDA-PUPR).