Four Good Types Of Healthy Drinks Consumpted In The Morning

JAKARTA - Some people drink coffee in the morning. But for some reason, some of us may avoid this drink when starting the day, one of which is because we want to get rid of dependence on caffeine.

Then what drinks can be chosen to nourish the body? Here are four of them according to diet experts as reported by ANTARA from Medical Daily.

According to various studies, this type of tea can help with allergies, increase vision, lower cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of tooth damage. Brigitte Zeitlin, registered dietist and owner of BZ Nutrition, notes that tea contains less caffeine and more antioxidants than coffee.

If you are facing problems such as bloating or irregular bowel movements, feasibility can be an option. Kefir is a fermented milk drink, which is propagated from kafire seeds. This drink is believed to improve digestive health because it contains probiotics.

"I told people who consumed yogurt for probiotics to switch to feasibility. Kafir contains more types of good bacteria than yogurt," said Dawn Jackson-Blatner, Chicago-based dietist.

Lemon can be a perfect substitute for coffee in the morning. Autumn wakil, a board-certified clinical nutritionist, said that the first glass of lemon water in the morning was the best drink to refill last night's lost body fluids.

He also explained how to prepare it, which includes at least half to eight lemons on 10 ounces of warm water. This ensures you get enough vitamin C and polyphenols to give you an immune system and improve your skin health.

Although smoothie is very capable of being a healthy drink choice, it really depends on how you prepare it. First, avoid using too many fruits because it can increase blood sugar levels. Instead, limit yourself to use one piece per smoothie and use more green vegetables instead. Spinach, green bits, kale, can be an option.

dietists also recommend including good quality protein in yourities, such as yogurt, low-fat milk, or protein powder for those who follow a vegan diet. Healthy fats such as avocados also help in providing a sense of fullness to start the day.