The Minister Of Communication And Information Ensures That Information Regarding Vaccines Will Be Delivered Accurately

JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, ensures that information related to vaccines will be conveyed to the public accurately, credibly and proactively.

As a manifestation of this commitment, the Minister of Communication and Information explained that the media center of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) in collaboration with the West Media Forum 9 (FMB9) Ministry of Communication and Information was also present as one of the platforms that provided information related to handling COVID-19, vaccines and vaccinations. COVID-19, as well as national economic recovery.

"Information regarding the latest developments related to vaccines and vaccination against COVID-19 is expected to be a reference for all of us in supporting, guarding, and encouraging the success of COVID-19 vaccination throughout our country," said Johnny, in his press statement, Monday, December 7.

So far, the COVID-19 vaccine has arrived in Indonesia on Sunday, December 6 yesterday. The 1.2 million doses are part of the first phase of procurement, with a total of 3 million doses of the inactivated SARS-CoV-2 type.

Furthermore, the vaccine will be immediately approved for use of emergency use authorization by the Food and Drug Administration in accordance with scientific and statutory provisions.

"Indonesia is one of the countries that has shown concrete steps to deliver a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible in the country. This effort is carried out as a form of the government's seriousness to continue to encourage the Acceleration of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response to recover health, and the economy to revive," said the Minister of Communication and Information.

Furthermore, the arrival of the first COVID-19 vaccine, according to Minister Johnny, is an initial momentum that needs to be greeted with positive energy and an optimistic spirit.

"We all believe that this momentum can provide impetus for the Indonesian nation to get through this COVID-19 pandemic," said Minister Johnny.

"Together, we build optimism in breaking the chain of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Successful implementation of COVID-19 vaccination by consistently conducting 3T, testing, tracing and treatment consistently by the government and strengthening discipline in 3M wearing masks, keeping your distance and washing. hands by the community. Protect yourself, protect the country, end the pandemic, "he added