There Are Different Versions Of The FPI And The Police Regarding The Shootings At The Toll Road, The Police Are Asked To Form A Fact-Finding Team

JAKARTA - The Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) was asked to form an independent fact-finding team to reveal the shooting incident which led to the death of six special forces for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) supporting Rizieq Shihab, on the Cikampek Toll Road, West Java on Monday, December 7.

This follows a different version of the police and FPI regarding the incident. This was conveyed by the IPW Neta S Pane Presidium, appeared after

"IPW urges the formation of an independent fact-finding team to reveal what actually happened because the police version and the FPI version have very different explanations," said Neta in a written statement to journalists, Monday, December 7.

"The National Police said that their members were shot by the FPI Special Troop guard who was guarding Rizieq. Is it true that the FPI Laskar carried weapons and shot the police? In order for this case to be clear, the Polri members involved need to be secured first for examination. Because, according to an FPI press release, It was Rizieq's group that was first intercepted by a group of people dressed in civilian clothes so that they suspected that an unknown person would be robbed on the toll road, "he added.

Furthermore, he considered this shooting case raises other questions. The first is regarding the ownership of firearms which is mentioned by the police. "If it is true that the FPI has a special armed forces, why does Baintelkam not know and not carry out early detection and anticipation and carry out persuasive operations to incapacitate it," he said.

Second, it is about deterrence. Neta questioned whether the action taken by the police was in accordance with the SOP, considering that the police used cars and plain clothes.

Third, if the police say that they were shot by the Special Forces of the FPI, of course there is some evidence including a police car that was hit and left behind projectic bullets.

The fourth question is about the crime scene where the six people were shot. Because, based on FPI's confession, the six members were kidnapped along with their cars on the toll road.

"Sixth, the FPI members who were shot dead were not members of terrorists, so the police must first incapacitate them because the police are better trained and the police are not executioners but protectors of the community," he said.

Next, Neta assessed that a toll road is a freeway, so that anyone who intercepts the toll road is a violation of the law, unless the driver has committed a criminal act.

"Seventh, interceptions carried out by civilian cars and plainclothes people should be suspected of being the perpetrators of crimes on toll roads, given that many robbery cases that have occurred on the streets were committed by strangers," he said.

If indeed, the blocking is not in accordance with this SOP by the police, they do not work in accordance with the promoter principle. In addition, Neta considered that the National Police Chief, General Idham Azis, needed to be responsible for this incident.

Previously reported, the incident of the police attack carried out by Rizieq Shihab's army took place at around 00.30 WIB Monday, early morning. Six police personnel followed Rizieq Shihab's army after obtaining information that there would be a mass mobilization related to Rizieq Shihab's planned investigation.

Rizieq Shihab was summoned by the police to be questioned at 10:00 WIB in an investigation into a case of violation of health protocols due to the crowd in Petamburan. The news that the mass supporters of Rizieq Shihab will be deployed in connection with the investigation called Inspector General Fadil circulating in many WhatsApp groups.

"When members of Polda Metro Jaya followed a vehicle suspected of being MRS followers, the officers' vehicle was intercepted and then attacked using firearms and sharp weapons," said Inspector General Fadil.

"Members who were threatened with their safety because of being attacked, then took a firm measure of measure, so that the group suspected of being MRS followers, totaling 10, died as many as 6 people," he explained.

As a result of the attack by the special laskar on the police, the police vehicle was damaged. The police car was also shot with a pistol held by the special forces Habib Rizieq. "(Pistol) is real. These three have already been shot, "said Inspector General Fadil.