Exceptive Readings: Attorneys Ask For Baiquni Examination Must Through The Administrative Court

The attorney for the defendant Baiquni Wibowo, Junaidi Saabih, read out the exception at the Obstruction of Justice trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, October 26. In the trial, Junaidi applied for an examination whether it was an act committed by his client, Baiquni, was an unlawful act or not.

"So that is in order we want to test the results of the KKEP examination referred to in the Government Law as the government's internal supervisory apparatus. So on that basis, we want to test whether the decision in the KKEP is appropriate or not. Is it indeed the actions committed by Baiquni that are indeed in accordance with government administration. And we argue that the various actions taken by Baiquni are in accordance with the orders of the superior as implementing apparatus where Sambo is the organizer apparatus in the public service law," Junaidi explained at the South Jakarta District Court, after the trial, Wednesday, October 26.

After the prosecutor read out the indictment in the previous trial, Junaedi considered that there was a misunderstanding or misunderstanding in the application of the law.

"There what we want to reiterate from this exception. And we see that there is a misunderstanding or error in the application of the law. So what we are doing, today's exception is not only for Baiquni, but for all apparatus." he said.

Junaedi also emphasized that the next examination of the aquo case was carried out without being preceded by the testing of administrative actions of government officials, first through the State Administrative Court (PTUN).

"So that's what we submitted as part of our exception. And that's the application still being examined at the Jakarta Administrative Court."

Previously, Baiquni was charged with copying CCTV footage of the murder case of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. The role of Kompol Baiquni was contained in the indictment read by the Public Prosecutor (JPU).