Viral Dubbed Lord Of Malay, Alfin Habib Promise Will Eradicate

JAKARTA - Alfin Habib received a Lord of Malay title. He said he was proud and accepted the title.

"Without reducing Habib's respect for seniors, especially in the world of Malay music or Malay culture, Alhamdulillah, Habib is happy to accept the nickname," said Alfin Habib.

However, when the nickname drew controversy from netizens who questioned the feasibility of receiving the nickname, it gave him more and more burdens. However, he tried to establish himself.

"Of course it's hard to accept the nickname because Lord's name is a legend, you could say senior. While Habib here may know how to do it, singing techniques or even the science of performing is still quite lacking," said Alfin when contacted Wednesday, October 26.

"So to get this nickname, Habib is certainly happy that it is a challenge for Habib to be able to continue to eradicate himself and get the nickname Lord of Malay," he continued.

The predicate also took part in carrying out a mission for him. He tried to re-introduce Malay music. The man who was born on October 4, 1993 in Labuhan Deli, North Sumatra wants to worldwide Malay.

"I hope to maintain Malay music, which is arguably almost extinct, hit by the times. God willing, Habib will globalize Malay, maintain Malay culture and introduce the beauty of music to all people," he concluded.