Obtained Ease Of Compensation Disbursement IDR 31.2 T To Additional PMN IDR 10 T, PLN Boss Tanjung Support Menkeu Sri Mulyani

JAKARTA - President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo explained a number of supports from the Indonesian Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati to PLN. One of them is the acceleration of the disbursement of compensation by the Ministry of Finance.

Darmawan said that the compensation payment process used to take up to years. However, with the support of the Minister of Finance, the payment process only took three months.

Not only that, he continued, in the meeting of the three Ministers, Sri Mulyani said that she would pay PLN compensation of Rp. 31.2 trillion.

"The support of the Minister is not lacking. With this support, PLN's liquidity condition is in good condition so that our operations are not disrupted," he said in the Leader's Talk Series #2 with the theme "Indonesia Energy Investment Landscape", Wednesday, October 26.

In addition to being fast, he continued, compensation payments were also given in sufficient amounts so that PLN could carry out the company's financial management properly. "For three years we were able to reduce our debt by Rp62.5 trillion and reduce our OPEX costs by Rp5 trillion," he added.

Another support provided, continued Darmawan, is the addition of State Capital Participation (PMN) in 2023 which was previously budgeted at IDR 5 trillion to IDR 10 trillion.

"This is a tangible manifestation that PLN is not only given the task of electrifying remote areas but PLN is given support so that the tasks given to PLN can be carried out properly," he said.

He further added, with the support of Sri Mulyani, PLN's working capital credit, which was originally large, has now reached zero. In addition, there are many prudent Sri Mulyani policies that do not burden PLN in carrying out its obligations.

"He gave input so that his policies were truly efficient policies," concluded Darmawan.