A Video Of Inter-Administrative Inter-Administrative Affairs Of The Ministry Of Transportation, Central Jakarta Police Chief Wait A Report

JAKARTA A video circulating on social media shows a commotion by a number of cadets from the Ministry of Transportation. The commotion occurred after the Integrated Inauguration of Transportation Officers in 2022 at the Monas Cross Field, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, October 25.

Seen in the video, the inter-taruna push each other by wearing a full uniform during a commotion.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin confirmed the incident. According to Komarudin, the cause of the commotion between the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) at Silang Monas Field, Central Jakarta on Tuesday was just a misunderstanding.

"The commotion between the miscommunication cadets is being resolved internally," said Kombes Komarudin, Wednesday, October 26.

Komarudin explained that the incident of the commotion between the cadets when they returned to their respective buses after the activity was completed, there were bumps against the cadets who brought the drum band.

"They grouped up to their respective transportation, after that there were bumps between cadet groups carrying drum band tools, so it was just a miscommunication or misunderstanding," he continued.

Komarudin said this incident had been resolved internally by the Ministry of Transportation, but his party was still waiting if there were reports that came in, they would immediately be processed.

"We are still waiting if there are reports that we will process them. But so far they have finished it internally," he said.