The Tangerang City Government Said That The Tomb Of Mbah Buyut Could Not Be Recommended As A Cultural Conservation, See The Reason

The Tangerang City Government stated that the tomb of Mbah Buyut Jenggot was not recommended as a cultural heritage based on the results of research and study conducted by the National Cultural Conservation Expert Team.

Plt. Head of the Tangerang City Culture, Tourism and Park Office, Mugiya Wardhani, said this determination was through letter Number: 2294 / F4 / KB.09.01 / 2022 The Directorate General of Culture who decided that the tomb of Mbah Buyut Jenggot was not recommended as Cultural Conservation.

"Yes, today we just received a letter from the Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology this afternoon," Mugiya said in his official statement, Tuesday, October 25, quoted by Antara.

In the letter, the Directorate General of Culture appreciated the Tangerang City Government for its efforts to preserve cultural heritage.

The contents are the first to appreciate efforts to preserve cultural heritage in Tangerang City. Then the second is the result of a decision trial that does not recommend the tomb of Mbah Buyut Jenggot as Cultural Conservation.

In the letter, continued Mugi, several reasons were also mentioned for the unable to determine the tomb of Mbah Buyut Jenggot as Cultural Conservation.

There are several reasons, including that it cannot be proven validly to be declared to meet the criteria for Cultural Conservation in Article 5 of Law Number 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Conservation.

The criteria are that they are 50 years old or older, have a minimum style period of 50 years old, have a special meaning for the history, science, education, religion, and/or culture, and have cultural value for strengthening the nation's personality.

Mugi also hopes that all parties can accept whatever the results of the decision from the National Cultural Conservation Expert Team. "Whatever is the decision, must be accepted by all parties," he said.