The Message Of President Jokowi And The Reality Of Political Parties In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Two people signed up as pilots at the airline. In order to be elected, both showed their advantages and ideas. The first prospective pilot is committed to complying with international aviation law and will continue to fly at an altitude of 30 thousand feet.

Meanwhile, the second pilot candidate made an idea that later all passengers will sit in business class and will get discounts.

President Jokowi made an analogy with presidential candidates as pilots. According to him, from the statements of the two prospective pilots, the second choice is certainly more attractive. However, it doesn't make sense.

The one who chose number 2 was careful, because this must be because he was emotional and lacked information and his offer didn't make sense. Everything has been given a business class, then the tickets are discounted. It's very interesting but it doesn't make sense," said Jokowi in his speech at the Golkar Party's 58th Anniversary at Hall C, JiExpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta on October 21, 2022.

Through this story, Jokowi advised political parties not to just determine their prospective pilots and co-pilots. Indonesian leaders must later have experienced figures who have high flight hours.

"In the development of a very important country called political stability. We also need stability security, especially in a very difficult world situation, difficult to calculate, difficult to calculate, difficult to predict," added President Jokowi.

Jokowi's statement tends to be biased and multiple interpretations. Indeed, it was said during the anniversary of the Golkar Party, but it is not impossible to be a message to the general chairmen of the political parties who were present at that time.

"What is certain is that Jokowi's statement directly or not becomes criticism or input for parties present at the event, such as PDIP, PSI, PPP, PAN, NasDem, Democrats, and PKS," said the Executive Director of the Strategic Political Trias (TPS), Agung Baskoro in his statement on October 22, 2022.

Because actually, political parties (Parpol) are the main pillar of democracy. A bridge that connects the aspirations of the people's interests and government policies. Healthy and quality political parties, said researcher and political observer, Syamsuddin Haris, will create a healthy and quality system of government and democracy, and vice versa.

Parpol has a central and strategic position in the democratic system. Turning input in the form of aspirations and public interests into output is a public policy that is a joint product of parliament or product between parliament as a legislative institution and the government as an executive," said Syamsuddin in his book 'Towards Political Party Reform'.

Through the party, the people can get the best pilots and co-pilot to advance Indonesia. In accordance, article 6A paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution, the pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates proposed by political parties or coalitions of political parties participating in the general election before the implementation of the general election.

Through the party too, the people can place their representatives in parliament. In accordance with Article 22E paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution, the general election participants to elect members of the House of Representatives and members of the Regional House of Representatives are political parties.

That is why, to create a good system of government and democracy, the problems that often hit political parties must be overcome first. Mainly, according to Syamsuddin, the urgency of institutional administration of ethical standards, the system of regeneration and political recruitment, and financial governance.

"This is urgent if it is related to the rise of cases and scandals of ethical violations by politicians and political party elites, corruption is still rampant among public officials from the party, as well as the rampant politics of money and political dowries behind the regeneration process, both in elections and in regional elections," he wrote.

As a public legal entity, political parties need not only to be managed professionally, openly, and democratically, but also to be completely oriented towards the public interest.

On the other hand, politicians from each political party are expected to have a minimum standard of behavior so that they are better at obtaining a political mandate when they become representatives of the people or public officials, continued Syamsuddin.

Likewise the political regeneration and recruitment system. Almost all political parties do not yet have a standard regeneration system so that anyone can become a party administrator and/or leader and even a candidate for public officials if desired by a handful of party officials.

Then, the recruitment system tends to choose families, relatives, or popular figures in order to boost party votes with certain dowry. In fact, from an experience and intellectual perspective, it is still far from standard.

"It is not uncommon for family-based political recruitment and relatives to eventually form a political dynasty," said Syamsuddin.

Then also financial planning or party funding. According to the Political Party Law, the source of funds comes from member contributions, individual donations and companies that are legal according to the law, and state subsidies.

However, the problems that are common, members' contributions cannot be expected, legitimate donations are not very certain, and state subsidies are very small, only Rp. 10,000 per valid vote of political parties who get seats in the Legislative Election. With this condition, the chances of owners of capital entering are even greater.

The impact of switching the ownership of political parties to individuals who finally manage and decide party policies in an oligarchic manner. This phenomenon appears clear in elections and regional elections," Syamsuddin added.

One effort to build a more institutional-demokratical party leadership pattern than personal-oligarkis is to significantly increase state subsidies to political parties that acquire seats in parliament.

However, said Syamsuddin, strict requirements must be accompanied, for example:

Another prerequisite is that political parties as recipients of subsidies are obliged to institutionate four elements of an integrity system, namely: ethical standards for politicians and political parties; standard, inclusive, periodic, tiered regeneration system; an open, democratic and cadre-based political recruitment system; as well as a good financial governance system.

"If the party does not or does not have all these elements, the party does not have the right to receive state subsidy funds," Syamsuddin emphasized.