Receiving Report Of 1,198 Classrooms In Garut Needs Immediately Renovation, Deputy Regent Helmi Budiman Target 2 Years Of Village

GARUT - The Garut Regency Government, West Java Province, is targeting the repair of damaged school buildings to be completed in two fiscal years."We are targeting that in these two fiscal years, 2023, 2024, it will be completed. So, we are now trying our best, hopefully in 2023 it will also be completed," said Garut Deputy Regent Helmi Budiman in Garut, Antara, Monday, October 24.According to a temporary report received by the local government, 1,198 classrooms were damaged and needed immediate repairs. "It takes immediate (improvement) because it is heavily damaged, some have collapsed, some threaten the children," he said.The district government is trying to repair damaged classrooms immediately so that teaching and learning activities can be carried out safely.Helmi added that the local government is seeking to allocate funds in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) to repair damaged school buildings.In addition, he continued, the district government is trying to direct companies to use corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds to help repair damaged school buildings in Garut Regency."We use funds from the APBD, CSR, from everywhere we collect to repair schools," said Helmi."We are trying to ask the province for help, because actually the CSR program, which is a large company, can distribute CSR funds, if it's in Garut, it's small," he added.