Melesat 76 Percent, BNI Sukses Tampak Laba Rp13,7 Triliun Di Kuartal III 2022

JAKARTA - PT Bank Tabungan Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) managed to achieve a profit of IDR 13.7 trillion at the end of the third quarter of 2022. This figure shot up 76.8 percent compared to the same period the previous year (year on year/yoy).

BNI President Director Royke Tumilaar said healthy profit growth could still be achieved even though the company implemented a selective intermediation function strategy.

"Stad performance can strengthen the company's foundation in facing the challenges of the global economy going forward," he said when giving a virtual presentation on Monday, October 24.

Royke explained that the moncer results achieved could not be separated from credit growth of 9.1 percent to Rp622.6 trillion.

We focus on low-risk segments, top tier debtors in each prospective industrial sector, as well as regional champions in each region. It is hoped that this high-quality credit exposure will have an impact on improving credit quality in the long term," he said.

As for the pillars of intermediation growth, BNI relies on funding, especially from current account saving accounts (CASA), namely savings and demand. Royke said the company's CASA ratio reached 70.9 percent of the total third party funds (DPK).

"This figure is the highest achievement in recent years," he added.

Through this performance, BNI's net interest income grew 5.2 percent to IDR 30.2 trillion. Non-interest income also grew well, reaching 7.8 percent YoY to IDR 11 trillion, which was driven by digital transactions and fees from the syndicated business.

The score recorded operating income before the pre-provisioning operating profit (PPOP) of IDR 25.8 trillion, an increase of 9.7 percent.

"We are very grateful that until the third quarter of 2022, we can consistently record solid performances in the midst of various global and domestic economic challenges," he said.

Royke argues that external conditions in the third quarter are considered challenging triggered by the escalation of geopolitical tensions, thus creating a number of new risks amid the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic starting to subside.

He said geopolitical tensions have disrupted the supply chain, causing a surge in global energy and food commodity prices. This also has an impact on increasing inflation rates which are then followed by tightening monetary policy in various countries. This trend, continued Royke, has the potential to cause a slowdown in the pace of economic growth.

"Of course we will continue to strive to maintain the company's performance so that it remains sustainable so that it can help the government continue the trend of economic recovery and continue to provide investment returns to shareholders," he said.

Royke added that the company believes it can realize positive performance until the end of 2022, supported by a much healthier credit portfolio and still prioritizes the prudential banking aspect.

"This growth trend is still quite good compared to many other countries in the world. So, we are optimistic that we are still on the right track to meet the estimated 2022 profit in accordance with the corporate plan," concluded BNI President Director Royke Tumilaar.