Absen When Three Ministers Jokowi Come, UI Chancellor Ari Kuncoro's Attitude Became A Highlight

The Chancellor of the University of Indonesia (UI), Ari Kuncoro, is back in the spotlight, because he was not at the location when President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) gave a public lecture and visit to the University of Indonesia.

Most recently, when the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Nadiem Makarim made a visit some time ago.

Previously, Ari was also not at the location when Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia and ATR/BPN Minister Hadi Tjahjanto, and ATR/BPN Deputy Minister Raja Juli Antoni came to give a public lecture.

Education Observer Andreas Add questioned Ari Kuncoro's absence when three Ministers of Jokowi and one Deputy Minister of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet visited the state university.

According to him, it reflects an unethical attitude.

"If there is an agenda outside that cannot be represented and it is binding in nature, it may be an excuse, but when he doesn't have a very important schedule or emergency and is not represented, what is the question, what is it with no presence or welcome from the host?" Andreas told reporters, Monday, October 24, 2022.

Andreas assessed, however, the presence of outsiders, especially state officials, who provide public lectures and activities at UI, ethically and morally should be attended by the chancellor.

At least, said Andreas, the Chancellor welcomed when a state guest was present at his place.

Moreover, said Andreas, public lecture activities are a strategic effort to advance universities to provide enlightenment to students.

"After welcoming them, they can delegate their subordinates, for example the vice chancellor or anything to accompany them. It is ethically and morally, if it has nothing to do with outside it is very unethical or unethical. Let how it is a guest who will provide enlightenment to students and it is strategic for the future of a university," he said.

He views that even if there is no match between the chancellor and the minister, this cannot be used as an excuse or basis for Ari being absent from the location.

"If the Chancellor had a mismatch in his view, that actually, could not be used as an excuse, he could use it as an excuse for him not to attend. Regarding the code of ethics and morals of a Chancellor, if for example he has other factors besides that, it is private. So, for example, if it is associated with a personal mass, it is very unethical," he said.

Furthermore, Andreas said, even though there are no standard rules, the moral responsibility of a university leader is to serve guests who attend, including setting a good example for lecturers and students. According to him, Ari's attitude will have a bad impact on UI.

"The impact is not good because educational institutions educate, yes, educating the public both in terms of manners, ethics, and morals, it is indeed the obligation of a chancellor. When doing this, this is a bad attitude in educating the younger generation," he said.

For your information, Ari was not at the location when Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia, on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, gave a public lecture on the G20 Presence on 'Indonesian Investment and Economy Levels' at the IASTH Building, UI.

Then, Ari was also absent when the Minister of ATR/BPN Hadi Tjahjanto, and the Deputy Minister of ATR/BPN Raja Juli Antoni visited UI during the ATR/BPN Goes to Campus event with the theme 'Wudicate Digital Transformation of Land Services for Faster, Efficiency, and Transparency Services.

As for the latest when the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Nadiem Makarim visited UI on Friday, October 21, 2022.