Easy To Check Electric Bills, PLN Presents Independent Meter Notes On The PLN Mobile Application

PT PLN (Persero) is now providing an independent meter recording service through the PLN Mobile application to make it easier for customers.

PLN Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications and TJSL Gregorius Adi Trianto said the independent meter recording service through PLN Mobile is one solution so that customers can estimate electricity usage every month.

That way, customers can control their own monthly electricity usage.

"Independent meter recordings can be done between the 24th and 27th of each month. To record independent meters, the steps are quite easy," he said in a statement to the media, Monday, October 24.

He continued, the service presented at PLN Mobile has followed a calculation based on 40 hours on, both block rates and minimum accounts in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 28 of 2016.

After doing the above, continued Gregorius, the estimated cost of the electricity account bill will also appear.

Then, the electricity bill will come out at the beginning of the following month. Electric payments can also be made through the PLN Mobile Application.

Gregorius hopes that the presence of PLN Mobile can make it easier for customers, because they no longer have to bother with the PLN office to make electricity transactions such as new pairs, change power, pay bills, and read independent meters.

"PLN customers who do not have the PLN Mobile application can download it on the App Store or Play Store for free," concluded Gregorius.

Here's how to read independent meters through the PLN Mobile application: 1. Open the PLN Mobile2 application. Select the Meter3 menu. Select Customer Id4. Photo of the stand meter figure in kWh meter5. Enter the stand meter number, and send it.