The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Notes Coal Reserves In Jambi 1.9 Billion Tons, Only After 100 Years Later

JAMBI - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources noted that Jambi Province currently still has coal reserves of 1.9 billion tons spread across several districts in the province.Head of the Jambi Province ESDM Office Harry Endria said the coal reserves had been officially recorded at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources."If coal production in Jambi is 19 million tons per year, then with a total reserve of 1.9 billion tons, it is estimated that coal in Jambi will only run out in the next 100 years," he said in Jambi, Antara, Sunday, October 23.However, the number of coal reserves could continue to grow if new reserves are found.Harry Endria also explained that for production in 2022, Jambi received a quota from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of 42 million tons per year, but the realization until September 2022, Jambi was only able to produce 13 million tons per year."It is very far from the quota given by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources," he said.Asked whether there will be any impact related to the failure to achieve the coal production target, Endria explained that there are no problems, but the problem is if, for example, they are entrepreneurs who contract with PLN. If the target is not achieved, they will be punished.He said that in the past, coal transport drivers could deliver the commodity from the mouth of the mine to the unloading port located in the Talang Duku area in just one day. But now it takes one to two days."So automatically it is difficult for them to meet the target, because the obstacles are on their transportation," said Harry Endria.Currently, several of the largest coal-producing districts are Sarolangun Regency and are followed by several other districts such as Bungo, Tebo, Batang Hari, Muaro Jambi and Tanjung Jabung Barat.