Head Of BNPT Calls Jihad Resolution KH Hasyim Asy'ari Asyari Implementing Event 10 November

JAKARTA - Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Komjen Pol. Boy Rafli Amar said Santri Day which is celebrated every October 22 is a momentum to appreciate the struggles of the ulama and the students.

He conveyed this during the 'Tolerance Declaration, Imposing Wasathiyah Islamic Tolerance in the Context of National Santri Day and the 77th anniversary of Jihad Resolution' at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes), Jombang on Saturday, October 22.

"Santri, ulama, and pesantren have made a considerable contribution not only to fill independence, but also to the struggle for the independence of this nation," said Boy in his written statement, quoted from Antara, Sunday, October 23. He said, the commemoration of Santri Day which was initiated by President Joko Widodo based on Presidential Decree No. 22 of 2015 as a form of the role of santri in Indonesia was recognized by the state because students continued to take part in the pre-independence. Boy also said that the day of santri referred to the origin of "Resolution Jihad" which contained fatwa obligations of jihad in order to maintain Indonesia's independence. "It was Jihad resolution that later gave birth to heroic events on November 10, 1945, which we commemorate as the day of heroes," he said. He continued, Jihad's resolution, which was inflamed by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figure KH Hasyim Asy'ari, had ignited the spirit of the youth against the invaders, and also other regions in Indonesia. Until now, Indonesia has proclaimed itself as an independent country. Until now, students have added to various fields of professions, have diverse expertise, even being the leader of the state. "Even so, students do not forget their main duties, namely maintaining their own religion. religion is a spring of water that always flows inspiration to maintain and uphold the dignity of humanity," he said.

Boy said, in commemorating National Santri Day, one of them is the momentum to appreciate the struggle of the nation, the scholars and students. He mentioned, the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School which was the establishment of Islamic boarding schools has become a lesson for the nation regarding the Jihad Resolution at the beginning of Indonesia's independence. "Of course this is a momentum for all of us to recall how the struggle of our ancestors, the ulama and the nation's heroes and all the nation's heroes to fight against all forms of colonialism and aggression from parties in the past," he said. The former Papuan Police Chief added that the struggle of the scholars and students needs to continue to be raised as narratives, especially as an effort to learn religious moderation and tolerance programs at the Tebuireng Islamic Board. Religious moderation, tolerance and character of defending this nation, he continued, need to be appointed to ward off negative narratives, provocatively charged, especially bad things in social media, so that BNPT programs among them build various knowledges for students to connect bad things on social media. Furthermore, he also said that in the media itself there are also many negative things that are not educating the people of this nation. And therefore the students themselves must of course also be at the forefront to promote the spirit of values of tolerance. "For this reason, other programs that have been running so far are how we build capacity, share information, share knowledge with the students to become leading elements in countering bad things on social media," he said.