Dozens Of ASN Kepri Positive COVID-19 Service Travel Cluster

Tanjungpinang - Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Riau Islands Province TS. Arif Fadillah said as many as 14 ASNs were exposed to COVID-19 in the official travel cluster.

From the results of the search carried out, 14 ASNs were exposed to COVID-19 after making official trips to areas with a high spread of COVID-19. One of them is Batam City.

"Then, one of the officials and staff tested positive for COVID-19 after the Leadership Training in Bandung City. It is suspected that they were exposed there," said Arif as quoted by Antara, Saturday, December 5.

The head of the Riau Islands Province COVID-19 Task Force asked all OPD ranks to use telecommunication media through zoom meetings for activities during a pandemic.

"If possible, stop official travel first. Because the COVID-19 condition in Riau Islands is still quite high, it is very risky," he added.

According to Arif, 14 ASN Pempri Kepri confirmed COVID-19 was undergoing independent isolation. They are in good health.

"They are mostly people without symptoms (OTG)," he said.

Arif ensured that the Riau Islands Provincial Government's public services would continue to run even though a number of ASNs were infected with COVID-19.

He reminded all parties to continue to tighten health protocols, such as wearing masks, washing hands and maintaining distance.