There Have Been No Cases Of Accounting For Acute Kidney Failure In Palu, Health Office Issued An Appeal For Pharmacy Owners And Managers Of Health Service Facilities
PALU - The case of acute kidney failure that befell children is rife in a number of countries, including Indonesia. However, this case has not been found in the Palu City area, Central Sulawesi.
Preventing the emergence of cases of acute kidney failure in the region, the Palu City Health Office issued a number of appeals. This appeal is given to pharmacy owners and managers of health care facilities.
This is a follow-up to the Ministry of Health's circular regarding the obligation to investigate epidemiology and report cases of acute atypical kidney disorders.
Pharmacies owners in Palu City are advised not to sell drugs for finding or sirops for certain types of children which are currently prohibited by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes). "In addition to pharmacies, we also urge the manager of health care facilities not to provide liquid medicine to children who are sick, following the large number of children experiencing acute kidney problems," said Head of Disease and Environmental Health Control at the Palu City Health Office, Rochmat Jasin, in Palu, as quoted from Antara, Saturday, October 22.
He stated that the appeal issued by the Palu City Government through an official Health Office letter was addressed to all pharmacies and health care facilities following up on the circular of the Ministry of Health Number SR.01.05/III/3461/2022.Dinkes also asked residents to remain vigilant and maintain health and not provide any medicine to children. "If there are children who are sick with fever, cough and flu or out of art, it is not normal for parents to consult a doctor to be treated quickly, although not necessarily kidney disorders, but at least prevention is done," said Rochmat. In addition to issuing an appeal, the Palu City Health Office also carries out field supervision in collaboration with the local police as well as the Food and Drug Supervision Center (BPOM) related to the circulation of certain child liquid drugs which are temporarily prohibited by the government. Health is also given the responsibility for conducting epidemiological and reporting studies if at any time such cases are found in Palu. "As a form of prevention, we educate the public, at least inconsistent with clean and healthy living patterns (PHBS), because with that pattern God willing, we can avoid disease," he said.
As reported, the Ministry of Health issued five types of sirop drugs which were temporarily prohibited from circulating in the community, namely the Thermorex Sirop (dwarf medicine) distribution number DBL7813003537A1, box packaging, plastic bottle size 60 ml. In addition, Flurin DMP Sirop (drug cough and flu) distribution permit DTL0332708637A1 packaging boxes, plastic bottle 60 ml, Unibebi Cough Sirup (pimpting medicine and flu) distribution permit DTL0332708637A1 packaged boxes, plastic bottles 60 ml, Unibebi Cough Sirup (drug cough and flu) distribution permit DTL72263037A1 packaging Dus, plastic bottle bottle 60 ml. 60 ml. Subsequently, Unibebi Sirup fever ( fever medicine) distribution permit DBL8726261237A1 packaging Dus, bottle 60 ml, and Unibebi Fever Drops ( fever medicine), distribution permit DBL19263336A1 packaging Dus, bottle 15 ml. "According to the Ministry of Health, the five types of drugs contain Etylene Glikol (EG) and Dietilen Glikol (DEG) exceeding a safe threshold," said Rochmat.