Medan Pilkada Debate: Akhyar Claims Successfully Controlling COVID-19, Bobby Wants COVID-19 Not To Be Disgraced

MEDAN - Candidate for Mayor of Medan serial number 1 Akhyar Nasution mentioned the success of the Medan City Government in controlling COVID-19. Akhyar, who is on leave from the position of Plt Mayor of Medan, compared the number of COVID-19 cases with the national level.

"Medan City contributes 50 percent of North Sumatra's positive figure, but compared to the national level, it is relatively moderate and low. One day of 20-30 positivity, 80 percent high cure. This means that COVID in Medan is relatively under control compared to the national record, the highest record of 8369, while in Medan it is 20-30 (cases per day), ”said Akhyar Nasution in the Medan Pilkada debate broadcast on the Youtube KPU of Medan City, Saturday, December 5.

Akhyar continued, the momentum to control COVID-19 needs to be maintained. The residents of Medan City are also called Akhyar who have realized the dangers of this new corona virus.

"The handling of COVID-19 by the Medan City Government as long as I was the acting mayor issued a Perwali regarding quarantine for exposed people and Perwali 27 regarding the adaptation of new habits, this continues to be implemented and controlled so that COVID in Medan is relatively under control," he explained.

Meanwhile, candidate for Medan mayor number 2 Bobby Nasution said Akhyar Nasution's answer did not match the context of the moderator's question. Through panelists, the moderator asked about optimizing the testing, tracing, treatment (3T) program in handling COVID-19.

"The real answer may not be explained how the 3T will be handled, maybe if it was elected or yesterday the acting mayor, is testing enough? Labs in Medan, could it or not the ability of regional heads to add more labs to make it faster because people were tested it took several days to wait for the results. This must be suppressed, "said Bobby.

President Jokowi's son-in-law, who ran in the Medan Pilkada with Aulia Rachman, also mentioned the importance of educating Medan residents about COVID-19.

“Medan residents still consider COVID-19 as shameful. That's why a lot of people in Medan City don't want to be tested and we have to give COVID-19 education, it's not a disgrace, it can be cured, ”said Bobby, mentioning the important role of community health centers, heads of environment to sub-districts as agents for handling COVID-19.