Medan Pilkada Debate: Akhyar Says PSMS Unifying Medan Children, Bobby Askes Again The Role Of City Government

MEDAN - Candidate for Mayor of Medan serial number 1 Akhyar Nasution emphasized the importance of maintaining integrity and harmony amidst the diverse backgrounds of Medan residents. For Akhyar, there is nothing more that needs to be doubted about the unity of residents in Medan City.

Akhyar Nasution in the Medan Pilkada debate explained the vision of a Medan with Character when answering panelists' questions through the moderator regarding the candidate pair's program to maintain the integrity and harmony of Medan City.

"Medan with character is maintaining the integrity of the character of the city of Medan. What is the character of the city of Medan? Various, multi-ethnic, multi-religious and wealth assets of the city of Medan itself must be maintained and continuously developed, "said Akhyar Nasution in the Medan Pilkada debate broadcast on Youtube KPU Medan, Saturday, December 5.

The customs and culture called Akhyar belong to Medan City. According to him, Medan children live side by side, with mutual respect and harmony.

"This is what we protect and develop, all are united as Medan children. Whatever the story, when PSMS plays it is a symbol of Medan. Everyone must be united if PSMS playing is a symbol of the strong unity of Medan's children. In PSMS, all ethnic groups are united in the souls of Medan children, ”said Akhyar who is on leave from the position of acting Mayor of Medan.

Meanwhile, the candidate for deputy mayor Salman Alfarisi added about the conduciveness of Medan City. Religious people in Medan called Salman live in harmony.

"We do not see any riots related to SARA, we are grateful for that," said Salman.

Akhyar-Salman's statement was responded to by candidate for mayor number 2, Bobby Nasution. According to Bobby, the answer given by Akhyar did not match the context of the panelist's question.

"I completely agree with what Uda Akhyar said, how diverse ethnicities become assets for wealth. But what I think is the question of where will this wealth capital be taken? ” said Bobby in the Medan Pilkada debate.

Afterwards, Bobby Nasution again discussed the role of the Medan City Government which did not touch the ethnic culture side to become a capital for tourism development.

"We see that the role of the Medan city government for ethnicity must be emphasized again. If we are ethnic groups in the city of Medan, we will really turn our wealth into tourism. Every ethnic group in Medan should be proud of its culture with dances, clothes and culinary delights, ”said Bobby.

According to him, the Medan City Government must create ethnic areas in Medan. The goal is to introduce culture as well as increase city tourism.

"There are many ethnicities, but we don't know where to come to see the ethnicities in Medan," said the son-in-law of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).