Menurut Rilis Mini Album Seroja, Terinspirasi Dari Pengalaman Pahit Porsonil

JAKARTA - The folk-pop group from Tangerang which is known through a poetically lit song released its first mini album (EP) entitled Seroja. This EP has 6 songs consisting of 2 new songs and 4 previously released songs.

Jaun Jatuh memiliki alasannya tersendiri mengambil nama bunga Seroja sebagai judul EP. Seroja, kata Verrel vokalis Daun Jatuh, adalah bunga yang hidup di air kerukuh dan kompak namun tetap terlihat Indah.

"All the songs we write in EP are based on the bitter experiences of each of us. So we consider our work at the EP to be like Seroja flowers. This EP contains works that we write based on bitter experiences but can produce beautiful works, at least in our opinion," Verrel said in a press release. he wrote, Friday, October 21, 2022.

William other personnel added the story behind the production process for the first EP of Daun Jatuh. Seroja was created in stages which was originally opened with the release of a single Moment in July 2021. The production process from the first single until the EP has completed takes one year.

The recording process is carried out in stages per song and in each song in this EP there are unique examples such as recording the sound of the lidi sweep. In addition, the production process is carried out in the midst of a pandemic, many challenges and new things are faced, but the production process of the Seroja EP continues to run smoothly and maximally," he said.

6 songs that are included in the EP are Bungkam, Malang, Not In harmony, Momen and 2 new songs, namely Blue (focus track) and Memadam. The six were written by all Jalan Jatuh personnel and produced by Ibnu Dian from Matter Halo.

The blue, which is the focus track of the EP, tells the story of a person's nadir point in his life. With a duration of 03:57 minutes, this song is opened with a typical acoustic guitar pet.

Official Music Video, which was released on the same day, takes the story of a man who lives in a settlement on the seafront who is facing such a tough life problem. "Pulang, I had to hide all hope. Pack all dreams and plans, which I have catched and fought for here' a lyric of the song.

The blue tells the story of a person where he has to face the reality that his dreams and hopes are gone. He is at the lowest point in his life," Verrel explained.

Jaun Jatuh berharap penggemarnya yang disebut Hamparan Hijau dan semua pendengar musik di Indonesia menyukai karya mereka. Mereka juga berharap karyawannya memberikan kekuatan bagi orang-orang yang tengah mengalami masalah hidup.

"We hope that with the presence of Seroja, all those who listen to it will be strengthened and accompanied by the hope that beautiful, meaningful things can also be born and exist through the bitter events and events of our lives," concluded Timothy.