Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Records Acute Kidney Mortality Rate of 63 Percent

JAKARTA - National Central General Hospital dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) noted that the mortality rate of patients with atypical progressive acute kidney disease reached 63 percent or 31 children out of 49 children based on patient data collected since January 2022.

“Imagine, more than 50 percent. So only seven people live or go home. Currently, there are 11 (children) at the RSCM", said Lies Dina Liastuti, President Director of RSCM, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, October 20.

Lies recorded a total of 49 cases of atypical progressive acute kidney disease patients from January this year. In RSCM records, cases jumped in August to 8 patients and rose again to 20 patients in September.

"So the current condition that has been admitted to the RSCM from January to today are 49 children with acute kidney failure. 11 people are still being treated, 10 children are still in the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) and one child is still in the ER because he has just entered", said Lies.

She said of the seven patients who were declared cured, it took a long time for the recovery process to take more than three weeks. According to Lies, cases of atypical progressive acute kidney disease are dominated by under-five patients with the youngest patient being 8 months old and the oldest 8 years old.

Lies also mentioned that the referred patients came from various hospitals, such as the Regional General Hospital (RSUD), private hospitals, and the public health center (Puskesmas). In fact, he noted, some patients came from outside Jakarta. She also said that patients who entered the RSCM were in a condition unable to excrete urine.

“They have been treated on the spot before. The problem when he came (to RSCM) was all done. They are already in a state of no urination", she said.

Lies explained the initial management carried out on patients starting with a complete examination first and treatment based on symptoms or according to the symptoms that appeared.

However, for patients who do not pass urine at all, he said the hospital took dialysis or dialysis.

“If he doesn't have urine, we do dialysis immediately. Hemodialysis for children is not the same as hemodialysis for adults, so the team from the pediatric side (pediatricians) came down to monitor them", she said.

In addition, the hospital also provides an antidote or antidote purchased from abroad through assistance and permission from the Ministry of Health. Lies said the drug had just arrived in Indonesia and was given to patients at the RSCM on Tuesday, October 18.

"We are waiting for the results because it's only been two days. So we still can't say for sure even though some have made improvements", she said.

According to Lies, the cost of care and treatment for all patients with atypical progressive acute kidney disease at the RSCM has been borne by BPJS Kesehatan insurance, including the administration of an antidote at a price that Lies said was quite expensive.