Police Arrested The An Online Motorcycle Taxi Driver, Dealer Of Methamphetamine And Ecstasy in Surabaya

SURABAYA - An online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol) in the Simokerto area of Surabaya was arrested by the police. This motorcycle taxi driver named MFR became a drug dealer in Tambakrejo, Surabaya.

"The MFR suspect is a courier controlled by HBB who is currently in prison", said Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya Police, Commissioner Muchamad Fakih, Thursday, October 20.

MFR's arrest began with public information about the existence of drug trafficking in the area. The police are investigating the information.

The MFR motorcycle taxi driver was arrested at the boarding house, Tambak Segaran. Secured evidence 3 ecstasy pills. From this arrest, the police also searched the boarding house at Customs Sedati Sidoarjo. 560 ecstasy pills and 246.6 grams of methamphetamine were seized.

"So he is helping HBB to circulate this illegal drug to its consumers", he said.

The suspect is currently being held at the Surabaya Police Headquarters. The perpetrators were charged with Article 114 Paragraph (2) and/or Article 112 Paragraph (2) of the Narcotics Law.