How Distinguish Fake Olis From The Real One? This Is An Explanation From The Central Java Police After The Gudang Gerebek Oli Beromzet Rp23 Billion

Head of Sub-Directorate for Indagsi Ditreskrimsus Polda Central Java AKBP Rosyid Hartanto appealed to the public to be careful in buying motorcycle or car oil products. Because today, Thursday, October 20, the Central Java Police have revealed the circulation of large amounts of counterfeit oil, which was carried out by DKA (41) and AM (40).

Rosyid explained that the use of fake oil for vehicles used daily by the community had an impact on damage. He also explained that the characteristics distinguishing the original motorcycle oil from the fake.

For the original bottle packaging is neater, it is neater than fake packaging. The fake plastic (packaging) is not solid and not neat. The difference also appears in the color of the oil fluid in the packaging. The original Oli has a brighter color when viewed through light, while the fake one is more concentrated and cloudy," said Rosyid in a written statement, Thursday, October 20.

In the warehouse for making counterfeit oil on Jalan Kayumas, North Semarang, Rosyid also informed that in general the bottles of counterfeit oil packaging are no different, and both are holograms. But in the original product, the hologram will be detected on a special machine.

"Meanwhile, the fake ones have no water marks, but this is difficult to distinguish (without using a special machine). So the focus is on bottle caps and bulkheads, if it's not neat there's a possibility it's fake," he explained.

Especially for the Yamalube brand oil, added Rosyid, there is a main difference in the bottle cap. It is stated that the original uses a black bottle cap, while the fake covers are gold.

The serial number print on the packaging also makes a difference. The number fake product is printed big and thick so it doesn't look neater. For the original the sticker is more solid (not thin), the number print is neater and not too big," he continued.

In addition to the difference in packaging, he also explained the difference in the oil liquid contained in the bottle. To find out, the oil must be matured first so that the difference is found.

The fake oil-making materials use liquid paraffins mixed with different dyes, which resemble the oils of the AHM and Yamalube brands. The colors produced by the two are different, the Yamalube oil is slightly greenish and the AHM oil is yellowish," he explained further.

With this information, he hopes to be a lesson for the public to be more careful in buying oil to avoid the fake oil circulating. People are also advised to buy oil in their official agents.

"Even if you buy oil at another workshop to pay physical attention to the oil packaging that is sold, don't just buy it, just one liter and then poured it directly into the motorcycle engine. Watch the physical packaging and oil liquid in it, because there is a possibility that it is fake oil distributed by the perpetrators," he concluded.

Central Java Police raided a warehouse for making counterfeit oil on Jalan Kayumas, North Semarang. Two people were named suspects in this case, DKA (41) and AM (40).

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Iqbal Alqudussy, said that the two perpetrators had produced counterfeit oil for two years. One month can produce thousands of bottles of fake oil with a turnover of IDR 960 million per month.

In a day he can produce 3000 bottles of fake oil. In a month the turnover is worth Rp960 million. In two years of operation, the results are around Rp23 billion," said Director of Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Police, Kombes Dwi Subagio, Thursday, October 20.