The Basic Techniques Of The Wushu And The Basic Department Of The International Wushu

YOGYAKARTA For those of you who want to learn wushu, there are basic wushu techniques that must be learned. This technique is needed to make it easier to develop moves.

Wushu is not only an art of martial arts but also a sport whose movements involve all members of the body. The movement includes running, jumping, beating, moving, and even passing. To be able to master wushu, there is the most basic technique that must be mastered, namely as follows.

Every martial arts always has a movement of horses, including in wushu. Horses are the basic movement of wushu which is useful for balancing the body as well as preparing the body to move to the next movement.

How to apply the basic techniques of wushu horses is quite easy, you are required to stand upright with your feet opened as wide as your shoulders. The knee is up to half-sit. This position is also called Ma ma ma'am or the position of riding a horse.

In wushu's martial arts, Bong bu was carried out as a symbol of greeting the opponent. Greetings as a form of respect for the opponent in the match.

The basic technique of wushu gong bu is done by standing more than one leg in front and the other leg behind by forming a straight line. The knee position is slightly bent to form an angle of approximately 90 degrees. While the body remains firmly and the view points forward.

In wushu, Xie bu is the resting position. The way to do this is to cross your right leg up to your left leg. Simply put, this position is like when you are leaning on the floor with a focus on your left knee.

It's not that simple, make sure there are no gaps between the left and right legs, then lower the body down like the position of the body when you squat, but the body remains upright.

Ce Chuai Ti or side kick is also the basic technique of wushu. This technique is useful for defending yourself and attacking the enemy from the side with a kick. To do so, you need to stand strong and position your hand on your waist with your wrist facing towards the top.

Then the sole of the handle must bend with the elbow position still firmly approaching the body. One of the legs must be a little behind, then lift the knee of the leg in front of the waist and then straighten it out. This position is like kicking towards the top.

Tan Tui is also useful for paralyzing opponents with sharp kicks. To do so, you have to stand tall with your right hand straight in front of your chest with your wrist and fingers facing the sky.

While the left hand is on the waist with a tightening position, the elbow position is on the left tightly with the body. The position of the left wrist is also facing the sky. After that, do one right foot kick towards the lower leg.

In addition to basic techniques, wushu also has international basic moves (Wu Shu Jing Tao Lu) used by athletes, which is as follows.

That's information related to wushu's basic techniques. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.