PKS Solo Abstained From The Surakarta Pilkada, Survey Shows 14 Percent Of Cadres Support Gibran

SOLO - The Regional Executive Board (DPD) of the Surakarta City Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) declared abstention from the Solo Pilkada.

This was done after the DPD PKS Surakarta City conducted a survey with research and development institutions (R & D) in five sub-districts in Solo, said the Chairman of the DPD PKS Surakarta City, Abdul Gofar Ismail.

"PKS has decided to abstain from the 2020 Pilkada. This was taken after PKS made a series of efforts. We conducted a poll with internal cadres for two months from September to November 2020," said Abdul Gofar as quoted by Antara, Friday, December 4.

In addition, PKS Solo also maintains a friendly relationship with PKS leaders, both those who openly support PKS and those who accompany their party. As a result, many figures suggested to abstain from this year's Pilkada.

PKS and community leaders invite all elements, both election participants and the public to maintain the security of the 2020 Pilkada by respecting each other's choices of citizens who are protected by the constitution. Citizens are asked to avoid intimidation and money politics that could destroy the democracy of Solo City.

Abdul Gofar Ismail said that the last step taken was to conduct a general survey through the DPD PKS Research and Development team. There are 400 respondents who were involved in this survey, including cadres and the general public spread across five sub-districts in Solo.

"As a result, about 54 percent of respondents stated that they abstained. As many as 24 percent had not made a choice, and the rest would provide a candidate for candidate choice. For that, from the survey results, PKS finally decided to abstain," said Abdul Gofar.

Talking about the attitude of PKS who abstained, whether by abstaining from it, said Abdul Gofar, it justified the 2020 Pilkada. Even though, PKS abstained, but the party seemed not to want to interfere in the Pilkada.

"The survey results have been submitted to the DPP and DPW PKS Central Java. His party continues to direct the attitude of abstaining from the 2020 Pilkada," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the total survey results, initially PKS did not want to describe the full results. However, PKS ultimately disclosed the survey results in a transparent manner. As many as 24 percent of respondents have not stated their choice, and 22 percent have voted. As many as 14 percent chose the Gibran-Teguh pair, and eight percent chose the Bajo pair.

PKS when asked the reason for the new opening of the survey, he said the survey was completed in November 2020. However, because there was a change of management in the PKS DPP, his party waited until there was a new PKS President.

"We were waiting for a chance to find out if there was a change. However, it turns out that we are still conveying this," he said.