Case Of Fraudulent Travel Letter, Joko Tjandra Sued 2 Years In Prison

JAKARTA - The defendant in a false pass, Joko S. Tjandra was sentenced to two years in prison. The Public Prosecutor (JPU) asked the panel of judges to find Joko Tjandra guilty.

"Sentenced Joko Soegiarto Tjandra alias Joko Soegiarto alias Joe Chan bin Tjandra Kusuma to two years imprisonment," said Prosecutor Yeni Trimulyani during a trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Friday, December 4.

The demands given are based on the consideration of several things. For one thing, Joko Tjandra was considered convoluted in giving information.

"That the defendant was convoluted and did not come clean in giving his testimony, thus complicating the proceedings of the trial," he said.

Meanwhile, for things that make things easier because Joko Tjandra is already an old man. It is with these considerations that Joko Tjandra is proven to have committed a criminal act of letter forgery on a continuous basis as regulated in Article 263 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st in conjunction with Article 64 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

"Things that mitigate, are that the defendant is elderly," he said.

This case began when Joko Tjandra, who was a fugitive, asked his lawyer, Anita Kolopaking, to take legal action against the Supreme Court reconsideration (PK) decision in 2009.

However, the attempt to submit a PK application to the South Jakarta District Court (PN) was rejected because he could not bring Joko Tjandra. For that reason, this fugitive asked Anita to arrange everything, including her arrival to Indonesia via Supadio Airport, Pontianak.

The management of Joko Tjandra's arrival was also assisted by the former Head of the Coordinating Bureau for Supervision of PPNS, Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo.

Anita asked Prasetijo to ask a police in Pontianak who could accompany Joko Tjandra to complete documents in the form of a COVID-19 free rapid test letter and a health certificate.

But Prasetijo actually agreed to Anita's request to do it himself. In fact, Prasetijo took the initiative to use a pass and rapid test from the Police.