Why Do Cases Of Death Of Acute Kidney Failure Keep GOING Up In Indonesia?

JAKARTA - The cases of acute kidney failure that hit several countries, including Indonesia, have a fairly high mortality rate. In Indonesia, the death rate from existing cases reached 48 percent or almost half of the total cases.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Mohammad Syahril explained the cause of death rates for cases of mysterious high acute kidney failure. Syahril said, the kidneys are one of the most important organs due to the metabolic center.

"Aligning is the center of metabolism, a very important organ. If there is a disturbance, it will disrupt metabolism and this metabolic disorder will cause other organs to be disrupted as well," Syahril said in a virtual press conference, Wednesday, October 19.

Syahril explained that if there is a kidney failure condition, the kidneys will no longer be able to carry out their activities as a body metabolic tool.

When the kidneys are disturbed, the visible sign is that the frequency of urine is very low. In fact, if the kidneys have been damaged, it will result in no urine production.

"For this reason, the death rate is high because he has entered the phase (of kidney failure)," said Syahril.

Therefore, Syahril appealed to the public and health workers to be more vigilant and do it more quickly if the child experienced the symptoms he had previously conveyed.

The mysterious acute kidney failure is a condition when the kidneys suddenly cannot filter waste from the blood and without knowing the cause.

Early symptoms of mysterious acute kidney disorders include fever, diarrhea or vomiting, and cough-silence. The follow-up symptoms are the decreased amount of urine and frequency of BAK, swelling body, decreased consciousness, and shortness of breath.

As of October 18, 2022, there have been 206 cases of mysterious acute kidney failure spread across 20 provinces in Indonesia. A total of 99 of them died.

Along with the issuance of the Decree of the Director General of Health Services at the Ministry of Health number HK.02.92/I/3305/2022 concerning Implementation and Clinical Management of Atypical Acuterine Disorders, all health facilities are asked not to prescription and provide drugs in liquid form.

"The Ministry of Health has asked all health workers in health care facilities for the time being, not to predetermine or provide medicines in the form of liquid orANGe preparations until the results of the search and research are complete," said Syahril.

In addition, the Ministry of Health also asks all pharmacies not to temporarily sell free and/or free drugs in liquid orANGe to the public for the time being.

"This step was taken until the results of the thorough research with the intention of these allegations being investigated. To save our heavier children, a policy was taken to carry out these restrictions," he explained.

The Ministry of Health also appealed to the entire community to treat children by not taking drugs in liquid form orANG without consulting health workers.

"As an alternative, you can use other forms of preparation such as tablets, capsules, suppositoria, or something else," he added.