The Government Must Impose Education About Cases Of Accountless Systems In Children

JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, asked the Government to intensify education regarding the phenomenon of cases of mysterious acute kidney failure found in children. Instructions for the use of liquid drugs to children to be suspended while also having to be massively socialized.

"The case of mysterious acute kidney failure to children is quite worrying considering the high mortality rate. The government must provide optimal education to the public regarding this issue through various communication strategies and using media platforms," said Puan, Wednesday, October 19,

So far, 206 children have found cases of acute kidney failure in Indonesia whose cause is not yet known. Which is sad, 99 of them died.

Meanwhile, cases of 70 children dying from kidney failure were also found in Gambia, West Africa, and were reported to be related to drug consumption that was polluted by eltylene glycol and dietilen glycol because it exceeded reasonable limits. Similar possibilities in Indonesia are being investigated by experts including BPOM RI and the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).

The Ministry of Health requests that the use of liquid drugs be temporarily suspended, especially in children. The Ministry of Health also appealed that the use and sale of drugs in liquid form or coverse should be temporarily suspended, including in pharmacies, to research related to kidney failure cases have succeeded in uncovering new facts or findings.

"Make sure all health workers understand that it will temporarily delay the provision of liquid drug prescriptions for children, as well as help provide education to the public," said Puan.

Puan said that officers at health facilities were at the forefront of providing education to the public regarding the phenomenon of acute kidney failure in children. Puan said that public education can also be assisted by village officials and take advantage of Posyandu cadres.

"Public education is important because there are still many people who do not recognize their symptoms and what actions should be taken if children experience acute kidney problems," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

According to Puan, the confusion of information about cases of acute kidney failure in children should be avoided because it can cause panic and fear of citizens. Moreover, a lot of information that has not been confirmed is circulating in the community.

"Because if people do not recognize the symptoms of the disease, then the treatment of the disease will be delayed and eventually lead to death as 11 acute kidney failure patients have occurred in Bali some time ago," said Puan.

Puan also asked Commission IX of the DPR in charge of health affairs to continue to coordinate with the Government in overcoming the problem of the phenomenon of acute kidney failure in children. The DPR RI encourages the research being carried out by the Government to quickly find the causes of this health problem.

"I also instruct members of the Indonesian House of Representatives who are currently entering a recess to help provide education and outreach to residents and monitor cases of acute kidney failure in their respective electoral districts," said Puan.

Furthermore, the grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia Bung Karno appealed to pharmacies and places selling market drugs to follow directions from the Government not to sell child sirop drugs first. Puan said that anticipating much better.

"This is for the good and safety of our children as the next generation of the nation," he said.

To the public, Puan suggested to take steps such as warm water compresses, meet the fluid needs, and use thin clothes if the child has a fever.

"If it turns out that these steps have not been successful and there are indications of danger, immediately take the child to the nearest health service facility for treatment," concluded Puan.