OTT Regent Of Banggai Laut, KPK Find Money And Savings Book

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confiscated a number of money and other evidence in the arrest operation (OTT) of Banggai Laut Regent Wenny Bukamo.

"So far, the evidence that has been secured in this vigorous arrest is a sum of money in the form of rupiah consisting of hundreds of thousands of denominations," said Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri to reporters in a written statement, Friday, December 4.

Apart from that, in this silent operation, the KPK also confiscated other evidence related to the bribery case. "Besides that, savings books, check heads and several project documents are also secured," he said.

The KPK arrested Wenyy Bukamo after allegedly receiving money from private parties or contractors working on projects in the government.

It is known, Wenny is a candidate for incumbent regent promoted by PDI Perjuangan and is paired with Ridaya Laode Ngkowe. From the information gathered, he is also the first regent in Banggai Laut Regency and was first elected in December 2015.

In addition, he was also recorded as having served as a member of the Surabaya DPRD for the 1999-2004 period.