Men In Cilacap Accompanied By Residents After Jebol Genteng Indomaret Through Mangga Tree

CILACAP The man with the initials S alias P (26) is a suspect in the theft or burglary case of Indomaret in Bojong Village, Kawunganten District, Cilacap, Central Java. The perpetrator managed to bring cash amounting to Rp30,892,000. However, the action did not go smoothly because local residents found out.

Wakapolresta Cilacap Kompol Suryo Wibowo said the perpetrator was a resident of Fesa Cibadak, Cimanggu District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province. S or the suspect, was arrested by members of the Cilacap Police Satreskrim.

Kompol Suryo explained that the perpetrator carried out his action by climbing trees behind the Indomaret building. Then, continued Suryo, the perpetrator broke into the roof of Indomaret and entered through the hole he made.

After successfully breaking into the bathroom ceiling, continued Suryo, the suspect entered the safe room. There the perpetrator broke the money safe by prying it with a thigh, hammer. After the safe was successfully broken, the perpetrator took Rp30,892,000 of money.

Suryo added that the incident was discovered when a resident heard a suspicious voice from Indomaret close to his house.

After checking, residents found out that the perpetrator was in action inside Indomaret. Many residents finally gathered in front of Indomaret. The police were also contacted to follow up.

For this incident, S alias P was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of 5 years.