Three People Killed Due To Floods In Deli Serdang North Sumatra

MEDAN - Floods that hit a number of areas in Medan and Deli Serdang, North Sumatra resulted in six people missing. Three of them were found dead.

"There are six people. Three have been found, three have not yet. Three have been found dead," said North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi while inspecting one of the flood locations, namely De Flamboyan Housing, Tanjung Selamat Village, Deli Serdang, quoted by Antara, Friday , 4 December.

On site monitoring, until Friday afternoon the water had not receded. Medan SAR officers assisted by TNI / Polri are still evacuating residents trapped in floods.

Meanwhile, based on information from the Medan City Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the flood was caused by heavy rains that flushed since early Friday morning.

This condition was exacerbated by the overflowing of river water in the Medan and Deli Serdang areas.

For flooding in De Flamboyan Housing, it was caused by the breakdown of the Belawan River embankment around the housing site.

"Several river segments in Medan, namely the Sunggal River, Deli River, Babura River and Denai River have experienced an increase in water discharge," said Nurly, Manager of the Pusdalops-PB BPBD Medan City.

Nurly said the flood height varied from three to six meters.

"Until now, 2,773 houses, consisting of 1,983 families and 5,965 people, were affected by the flood. This number is Medan Maimun, Medan Johor, Medan Selayang, Medan Tuntung, Medan Baru, Medan Petisah and Medan Polonia Sub-districts," said Nurly.