Alumni Salah Satu SMA Di Pandeglang Jadi Pengggerak Aksi Brawran Pelajar, Junior Ditekan Jika Tidak Partisan

PANDEGLANG - Pandeglang Police arrested two teenagers in a brawl that occurred in Pagelaran District, Pandeglang, Banten. The two suspects had the initials HN (19), alumni of a vocational school in Pandeglang and AA (16) were students. Both were named as suspects after being caught carrying sharp weapons when the brawl occurred.

"There are two suspects, one is still a minor and we are not detaining them because only the two of them carry sharp weapons," said Pandeglang Police Deputy Chief Commissioner Andi Suwandi, in a written statement, Tuesday, October 18.

Andi said, the brawl case began when a number of students from a vocational school in Pandeglang and students from Cilegon and Depok wanted to travel to Carita Beach. However, while on the way, the movement of these students was known to other vocational students and had been intercepted.

"Initially, they wanted to go to Carita Beach, when they were traveling, they were monitored by another vocational school student, who happened to have a history that they always fought," he said.

What is quite unique is that they are driven by seniors who are alumni. Juniors are suspected of being under pressure if they don't participate in brawls.

"At the TKP, the perpetrators fled and were arrested by residents," he continued.

The perpetrators were then handed over to the Pandeglang Police by local residents.

"From the hands of the two perpetrators, his party managed to secure evidence in the form of two sharp sickle-type weapons with a length of 50 centimeters," he explained.

The perpetrators are subject to Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 with a maximum sentence of ten years in prison.