Three Criteria For Vice President Anies Baswedan; Nasdem Wants Assistance From Outside Coalition

YOGYAKARTA - Anies Baswedan, the presidential candidate promoted by the Nasdem Party, was given the freedom by the party to determine for itself the vice presidential candidate (cawapres) of his choice. There are criteria for vice presidential candidate Anies Baswedan which has been submitted at Nasdem Tower Gondangdia, Menteng, Jakarta, on Monday 18 October.

Even though he has revealed the criteria for the elected vice presidential candidate, Anies has not yet decided who will partner him in the 2024 democratic event. Anies still needs a lot of time to determine the vice presidential candidate before the General Elections Commission (KPU) opens the registration of candidate pairs-cawapres on October 19, 2023.

On the other hand, the Nasdem Party has not yet built a coalition with other political parties. The formation of the Nasdem coalition is currently still in process, although the Democratic Party and PKS seem to have been very close to Nasdem.

Anies Baswedan revealed three criteria for his companions as presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 General Election. The first criterion is to contribute to victory. In a sense, the vice presidential candidate must have the power to win the election.

The second criterion is to help strengthen coalition stability. As the party that carries it, the NasDem Party needs a coalition from other parties to meet the presidential threshold or a 20 percent presidential nomination threshold.

Third, namely helping in an effective government. It can be interpreted that Anies wants his representative to have qualified provisions and competencies in serving as a leader of the country. He wants a duet with a figure who is able to make the government run forward and be effective.

Ahmad Ali, Deputy Chairperson of the NasDem Party, said that the vice presidential candidate accompanying Anies Baswedan should come from outside the coalition parties. This statement is a bad discourse for the NasDem coalition, namely Democrats and PKS.

Ahmad said the election of the vice presidential candidate from the coalition itself has the potential to harm the coalition being built. He described that when the vice presidential candidate was elected from one of the two coalition political parties, one political party was not part of it. However, Ahmad still observed the mechanisms that apply internally to the Democrats and PKS.

The party chaired by Surya Paloh does not want political rights to propose presidential and vice presidential candidates to only be concentrated on the internal cadres of each party. Ahmad revealed that the party needs to consider other potential figures as candidates outside the party and coalition.

Furthermore, Ahmad gave an example of many figures outside political parties who have superior competence and great integrity. Nasdem wants to accommodate qualified and young generation figures who have dreams of becoming the leader of the country.

Ahmad gave an example, Anies Baswedan, then Ridwan Kamil, Khofifah, and Ganjar. Which they are open to facilitating these figures to become presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Currently, NasDem's collaboration with Democrats and PKS has reached a percentage of 90 percent. It can be said that the coalition is just waiting for an agreement. Hermawi Taslim, Deputy Secretary General of NasDem said that forming a coalition is just technical matters. However, NasDem respects the internal mechanisms of each party.

That is the criteria for Vice President Anies Baswedan and NasDem's hopes regarding his presidential candidate assistant. Currently, there are two strong figures who are favored to be Anies vice presidential candidates, namely Khofifah and AHY.

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