National Parliament Day, Puan: Masa Reses, Member Of The House Of Representatives Must Want To Meet A Constituent

JAKARTA - Commemorating National Parliament Day, October 16, DPR Speaker Puan Maharani invited all members of the council to improve performance. He advised members of the DPR to continue to fight for the interests of the people.

"The commemoration of Parliament Day 2022 must be a momentum for the DPR RI to improve itself in order to increase the public trust that we represent," said Puan, Monday, October 17.

Puan emphasized that improvements in the performance of the council must always be carried out. Including, said Puan, so that all members of the council are closer to the people who have given their mandate in fighting for their aspirations.

"Members of the DPR RI must be attached and united with the people, especially in their respective constituencies. As their representatives, we must not be distant from the people," he said.

"We have received the trust and trust from the people to fight for their aspirations through the functions of legislation, supervision, and budgeting. Only by getting closer to the people can we facilitate their aspirations well," added Puan.

He added that members of the DPR RI have a big responsibility in representing the aspirations of their constituents in their respective regions. Therefore, Puan appealed to the members of the council to be diligent in going to the field to meet with their constituents.

Especially during the recess like today. Members of the DPR RI must be willing to meet and meet with constituents directly to absorb the aspirations of the people. So we know what problems the people face, then try to find solutions according to the functions and authorities of the DPR," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

The DPR is entering the First Session Period of the 2022-2023 Session Year, starting from Wednesday (5/10) to Monday (31/10).

According to Puan, the recess period should be used as well as possible by members of the council to get closer to the people represented from all their respective constituencies. He reminded that members of the DPR RI must try to reduce the burden felt by the people.

"And we will only know what the people really expect when we meet directly with them, listen carefully to their anxiety and aspirations so that during the trial period later, we can convey to the Government and find a solution together," said Puan.

"Use recess opportunities to build togetherness with the people in their respective constituencies and also convey constitutional tasks that have been carried out by the council," he added.

Puan realized that the DPR as a legislative institution was not yet perfect. In addition, there was also the fault of one or two members of the council, even though this did not represent the DPR as a whole.

"Always maintain the dignity of the DPR by being careful in attitude. Do not let nila a drop and then damage milk completely," said Puan.

The grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno, continued, the DPR RI continues to adapt to changes in society and seeks to open as wide as possible the aspiration absorption channel to the Indonesian people. Puan said that the absorption of the aspirations of the people was not only carried out directly but also added by taking advantage of the progress of the times.

"In addition to the complaint posts of DPR members in their respective constituencies, the DPR RI also provides various contemporary channels that the public can use to express their aspirations, such as digital media," he explained.

As is known, the DPR RI has an online page, namely which in addition to containing information about the DPR and what the DPR is doing, but can also be a means for the public to convey criticism, input, and suggestions. The DPR RI also has a Parliament TV channel that can be accessed on YouTube so that people can see firsthand the sessions and meetings that take place in the DPR and social media platforms that can easily be accessed by the public to monitor and provide input.

"Inputs from the public can enrich the DPR RI in carrying out its duties and responsibilities," explained Puan.

Since 2019 until now, the DPR RI has continued to improve and improve all communication channels so that they are more easily accessible to the people. According to Puan, the DPR RI has collaborated with a number of influencers in encouraging improved communication with the people who currently access digital communication channels.

That way, it is easier for the people to express opinions and input. We also continue to improve warm and familiar relationships with fellow journalists from time to time. As a partner, the DPR needs the media to help disseminate information on the performance of the council," he said.

Puan ensured that every input and opinion from the public was carefully recorded by the DPR RI even though input from the public was wrapped in simple forms and expressions typical of digital people on various digital platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

"The DPR RI is committed to serving the people wholeheartedly. As representatives of the people, we will continue to listen and absorb aspirations by approaching and living with the people," said Puan,

"Members of the DPR RI are nothing if they work without the people. The DPR RI can only play an optimal role, work great, if it is always with the people it represents," he concluded.