Free From Prison, Umar Kei Wants To Do Good And Positive

JAKARTA - Youth figure Umar Ohoitenan alias Umar Kei, finally finished serving his sentence at the Class 1 Cipinang Prison, East Jakarta, Monday, October 17. Umar was released on condition after serving 2/3 of his sentence. This freedom is also supported by Umar's good behavior during his prison term.

Umar's freedom was positively welcomed by many parties, ranging from community organizations (ormas), youth organizations (OKP), community leaders, politicians to religious leaders. They gathered at the celebration and birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and the compensation of orphans, which was held by the Maluku Muslim Youth Front (FPMM) DPP in the Umar residence area, Pondok Gede, Bekasi, West Java, Monday, October 17.

Umar said he was happy to be able to breathe free air again, especially since his presence was still accepted by many parties.

"Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful to be given a gift by Allah SWT, my release is very good. I think that with my case, no one likes me anymore. But it turns out that today is extraordinary, Allah still loves me," said Umar on the sidelines of the event, Monday 17 October.

Umar admitted that he thanked all those who still believed and continued to support him. He also hopes for prayers from them so that in the future he can become a better person.

"So once again I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all who were present at this event. I ask for prayers and support from my friends so that in the future we will do better and more positive things," said Umar.

Meanwhile, Ruslan Buton, a former TNI officer who was present on the occasion, assessed Umar as a person loved by many people. This is evidenced by the enthusiasm of many parties in welcoming Umar's return from a correctional institution.

"Alhamdulillah, today, October 17, 2022, we witnessed it together, so crowded. So many people love him. So some of the mass organizations present felt an extraordinary feel of happiness. Why did that happen? Because everyone saw the figure of an Umar Kei, an extraordinary figure loved by people who knew him," said Ruslan.

"If he doesn't have a good character, he won't gather as many people as this, including me. We are all different here," added the Chairman of the Ex-Trian Nusantara Serdadu.