Makassar Pilkada Debate: Appi-Rahman Touches Danny Pomanto's Orange Mask Not Applying The Ministry Of Health's Recommendation

JAKARTA - Candidate pair number 2 in the Makassar Pilkada Munafri Arifuddin-Abdul Rahman Bando (Appi-Rahman) quipped the masks that were distributed by candidate pair number 1 Danny Pomanto while campaigning. The orange mask that was distributed by Danny Pomanto, called Appi-Rahman, did not match the recommendation of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).
"Vaccines are recommended as a way to deal with COVID-19, but no less important for prevention are masks. I want to ask candidate candidate number 1, because I read the recommendation from the Ministry of Health that there are three recommended masks, N95, surgical masks, cloth masks. I see that in Makassar there are still masks for candidate pairs 1 like this (showing orange masks on the debate stage, red). This is not recommended at all, if you wear it (the mask) has open pores so that the droplets can penetrate, "said the candidate for deputy walkot Makassar Rahman Bando in the Makassar Pilkada debate broadcast on Youtube KPU Makassar, Friday, December 4.
Getting an intractable question, Danny Pomanto rose slightly. The candidate for mayor who is paired with Fatmawati Rusdi said Rahman Bando was turning the vaccine issue into a campaign mask affair.
"The issue of masks, the government appealed to masks, let's wear masks. There's no saying let's wear a mask like that, it's just a matter of quality. The important thing is the socialization using masks, if we change the better one, I don't think there is a problem, ”said Danny Pomanto in response to Rahman Bando.
"Do not be distracted, this is a problem, because the essence of public awareness is wearing a mask, not like the number two mask (Appi-Rahman), but wearing a mask. There is no mention of what kind of mask to wear, "said Danny.
In the Makassar Pilkada debate, Danny Pomanto said the role of local influencers was very important in disseminating the COVID-19 vaccine program. According to him, the COVID-19 problem occurs not only by the disease but also by public ignorance about the new corona virus.
"Therefore, the involvement of local influencers to convey before the vaccine is carried out is the most important thing so that people are fully aware that vaccines are part of the worldwide movement to strengthen people's immunity one by one," said Danny Pomanto in the Makassar Pilkada debate.