Record Transactions Of IDR 855 Trillion, Agent BRILink Gives Cheap Funds To BRI Of Up To IDR 18.95 Trillion

JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BRI posted an AgenBRILink transaction volume of IDR 855 trillion in January-August 2022 or eight months. This record comes from 709 million transactions.

BRI President Director Sunarso said that AgenBRILink is a tangible manifestation of BRI's initiative in providing services that are close to the community. Agen BRILink's presence is in line with the priority issue of the G20 Presidency to accelerate the increase in financial inclusion. BRI's efforts are shown to be one of them through financial services in 3T (Front, Remote, Disadvantaged) areas," explained Sunarso in a written statement, Monday, October 17.

On the other hand, he continued, AgenBRILink also provided jobs and increased people's income. "The sharing economy received by AgentBRILink throughout Indonesia in the January-August 2022 period is estimated to reach Rp1.8 trillion to Rp2.7 trillion," added Sunarso.

Furthermore, Sunarso said, BRI's Laku Pandai Agent is also one of the sources of BRI's business growth that shows impressive performance.

BRI managed to raise low-cost funds (CASA) through AgenBRILink of IDR 18.95 trillion until August 2022 or grew 112 percent YoY.

Furthermore, Sunarso said that the company had prepared a strategy to develop AgenRILink's performance in the future.

"This is stated in BRILink 2.0's strategy by increasing focus on productivity aspects through empowering the agency community, encouraging agents not only as shops but also logistics and remittances, and making AgenBRILink a supporter of Ultra Micro integration and encouraging cross selling products," he concluded.