Panic Chased By Residents, The Charity Box Thief Throws Himself Into The Cengkareng Apuran River

JAKARTA - A 19-year-old teenager, IR, threw himself into the Apuran River in Cengkareng, West Jakarta because he was being chased by residents after being caught stealing a charity box, Thursday morning.

"We got information from the residents that the thief was arrested. We immediately went there," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cengkareng Police, AKP Arnold Simanjuntak in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, December 3.

It was explained, based on residents' reports, IR could not swim so he asked for help, then the residents who chased him were pulled up to the surface with long bamboo and led to the nearest RW post.

Ronald said that IR was determined to steal the charity box at the Al-Ikhlas Musholah, RT 022/012 Kapuk Village, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta on Thursday at 06.30 WIB.

IR also had difficulty opening the charity box because the box was tied securely using welding. Residents who caught IR then chased him.

Arnold said the perpetrator was not a recidivist and had never committed an act of theft.

"He's not a recidivist. But he often joins in brawls," he said.

Although IR was brought to Cengkareng Police, the management of the Al-Ikhlas Musolah did not want to make a report.

That is because the charity box which was taken by this IR was not penniless.

"We didn't make a report and we did guidance by just reporting it," he said.