Mayor Of Bima Arya Watches Directly Handling Flood And Land Land Land Victims In Bogor

BOGOR - Mayor of Bogor, West Java, Bima Arya Sugiarto witnessed firsthand the handling of natural disasters at two points, in the form of landslides and houses being dragged by road flooding in Central Bogor District and West Bogor District.

Bima Arya visited the two locations on Saturday (15/10), namely landslides in RT 2/1 Mantarena Lebak Village, Panaragan Village, Central Bogor District and floods in the Cikaret River in Cibalagung Village, RT 03/RW 04, Pasirjaya Village, West Bogor District which dragged residents' houses.

While greeting residents, he asked not to hesitate to report any natural disasters or disaster mitigation that have not been carried out by the apparatus in the region.

"So please inform me if there are those that have not been handled and have not been touched through the hotline or Sibadra as well. And I also ask that it be coordinated with the sub-district, village head and the PUPR or settlement office," he said.

At the landslide location in Mantarena Lebak Village, Bima Arya went down directly with residents during the evacuation of the ruins.

Bima Arya immediately asked the Bogor City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the Bogor City Housing and Settlement Service (Disperumkim) and the Spatial Planning Public Works (PUPR) and the Bogor City Social Service (Dinsos) to prepare the needs needed by residents, such as evacuation equipment and natura as well as temporary shelters.

After confirming that all agencies and regional apparatus went down, Bima Arya directly inspected the process of building a retaining wall (TPT) in Cibalagung Village.

There Bima Arya also helped clean up trash in the Cikaret River and ensure that the affected residents had been evacuated to a safe place.

Dalam setiap kunjungan ke lokasi bencana itu Bima Arya selalu menyampaikan kepada warga agar waspada dan siaga serta hati.

"Mrs., you are still in good health, watch out not to get close to locations that are indeed vulnerable and have been reminded by the local authorities, yes, follow directions, ladies and gentlemen," said Bima Arya when meeting residents at the disaster site.