Pertamina Yakin Kuota BBM Bersubsidi Sukup Sampai Akhir Tahun

PT Pertamina (Persero) believes that the government's addition of a subsidized fuel quota of Pertalite and Solar types can meet the needs of the community until the end of 2022.

VP Sales Support Pertamina Patra Niaga, Zibali Hisbul Masih, explained that until September 30, 2022, the realization of the distribution of JBKP Pertalite nationally has reached 21.9 million kiloliters (kl).

Previously, the Pertalite quota which was added by the government was 6.86 million kiloliters (KL) from the previous 23.05 million KL to 29.91 million KL. Then, the diesel quota was added by 2.73 million KL from the initial quota of 15.1 million KL to 17.83 million KL.

"Sufficient until the end of the year, including we also take into account that the season at the end of the year usually increases at Christmas and New Year, this figure is more or less the same, God willing, the quota of 29.9 million KL is sufficient," he said in a webinar in Jakarta quoted on Saturday, October 15.

He continued, consumption of certain types of fuel (JBT) of Solar oil until the end of September had reached 12.8 million kl. The total amount has approached the total quota set at the beginning of the year of 15.1 million kl.

"We will optimize it by of course the distribution remains targeted and controlled so as not to exceed the quota and also according to the designation," he continued.

Meanwhile, Pertamina is still opening the registration of the subsidy program right through MyPertamina. He reported that until early October 2022 around 35 percent or 986,644 registrants for the MyPertamina application were rejected. Meanwhile, vehicles that have successfully registered through the MyPertamina application reached 2,872,924.

"There are still photos of their STNK or ID cards that were not read, so they were refused," he said.

He detailed that the most registrants from Pertalite user vehicles were 2.03 million or 9 percent of the total vehicle population.

Then, the remaining 841,724 BioSolar user vehicles or 8 percent of the total vehicle population.

Meanwhile, based on registration locations, the most via web or application is 2.32 million vehicles. Then, as many as 60,521 vehicles through booths at gas stations.

Zibali added, to speed up registration, Pertamina will later integrate vehicle data with Korlantas and Jasa Raharja.