Joint Mural Remind The Importance Of Health Protocol In The Middle Of A Pandemic

JAKARTA - Various ways have been done to educate the public about the dangers of the corona virus, one of which is a mural with the theme COVID-19. Apart from beautifying the walls, the murals also give a message to the public to apply the 3M pattern as an effort to prevent and spread COVID-19.

That is what Cendikia Queenadita and the Blue Line Community are doing on one of the pillars supporting the Wiyoto Wiyono Toll Road, East Jakarta. Where BNPB and the Task Force (Task Force) Handling COVID-19, indeed continue to aggressively socialize the importance of complying with health protocols during this pandemic.

"So the design has already been determined by the committee, so each pole is different. Just because each design contains messages about health protocols, it must be completed properly," said Dita to VOI, Thursday, December 3.

"Like the picture I made about doctors who play a role in overcoming COVID-19," he added.

Painting a health protocol mural (Wardhany Tsa Tsia (VOI)

Despite the street noise, 18 year old Dara is still engrossed in drawing. Do not forget to wear a mask and follow the health protocols that apply during activities.

The message he wants to convey through this mural is none other than inviting the public to jointly face the COVID-19 pandemic. One way to deal with COVID-19 is by wearing a mask when on the move outside.

"We mainly wear masks too, keep our distance, that's why there are only three people per pole as a form of physical distancing, so there aren't many," he said.

Besides Dita, there is also Mbah Darmo who is drawing a sketch on one of the pillars. This man in his 50s drew an illustration with the theme of the implementation of the prokes in places of worship.

According to Darmo, apart from verbal efforts, socialization through fine art works can be a way to convey messages to the public to always pay attention to health protocols. It is expected that passing road users can see the message conveyed.

Mbah Darmo makes a mural sketch (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

"This is an appeal to the public. Of course we hope the public will be aware of this health protocol," he said.

The plan is that these murals will be implemented on the 100 poles supporting the Wiyoto Wiyono Toll Road. Later there will be other communities and groups who will be welcome to channel their artistic creativity in the form of murals.

Of course, besides being useful for media socialization of health protocols. The mural images will give a beautiful impression along the road and can be seen by passing motorists.