Aerobic Gymnastics Movement For Women, Follow These Steps

YOGYAKARTA - Aerobics are a sport that is often chosen to maintain fitness and body health. This sport is popular because the movements carried out are mild and not difficult. Aerobics exercises can be practiced easily for various ages.

Aerobics include cardiovascular exercise. In addition to body fitness, this exercise is also useful for maintaining heart health. In addition, movements in aerodynamic exercise also play a role in increasing muscle strength and flexibility and joints.

Many women and the elderly like aerobics. Women choose this sport because it does not require heavy energy. In addition, aerobics also work burning calories quite a lot.

The movements in aerobics are dynamic and energetic. Here are steps to do aerobics for women.

There are several basic movements of aerobics that can be practiced by beginners. These movements are easy to do and do not require difficult techniques. Aerobics can be done at home or elsewhere, without having to go to the gym or field

The marketing movement is also easy for women to do for aerobics. You can start with the movement of the road on the spot. The feet are lifted to the height of the calf, and the knees are bent to 90 degrees.

An aerobic movement that is also easy for women to do is the stem leg. The way to do it is to bend your legs towards the back. Do this movement alternately between your right leg and left leg.

One of the aerobics movements that is easy to do is squad. This movement can also be done at home, without needing a large place and equipment assistance.

The squad movement functions to strengthen the thigh, hip, and buttocks muscles. In addition, this movement can also train the strength of the heart muscle. How to do it, put up a standing position with your legs open as wide as your hips. Then lower your body by pushing your back back to the back and knee bends. When down, hold your body for a few seconds, then lift it back to its original state.

For beginners, do this 15-20 minutes of movement with a low intensity level. You can apply it 3 times per week.

The next movement you can do is double step. This movement is widely applied in zumba exercises and is popular with women.

How to do it is quite easy, just move two steps to the right or to the left. Then end the movement by closing your legs, touching the ball with your knees facing forward and somewhat bent.

This movement is useful for maintaining heart health, breathing, and improving the performance of leg and hand muscles. You can do double steps with the accompaniment of music with fast rhythms to make you more excited.

The kicking movement is also suitable for perempairs for aerobics. Movements are easy to do, just by kicking your legs. This movement is useful for increasing the strength of the leg and buttocks muscles up.

Heel touch can also be chosen to be an aerobic gymnastics movement for women. This movement is very easy for all groups to do, both children and adults.

How to do the heel touch movement is quite easy. The movement is done by touching the heels of the right foot onto the heels of the left leg, with your knees slightly bent. In this movement, the legs become the focus to balance the body.

Street or jogging can be said to be a very light activity. But there are still many who are lazy to start. Street and jogging can be an option for aerobics movements for women.

Just take your time, then do run your feet or jogging in the morning or evening. Do it regularly 3 times a week or 4 times. This exercise is useful for nourishing the heart muscle and reducing the risk of death due tosetting arterial disease. In addition, this movement is useful for maintaining muscle health, bones, and joints of the feet.

Those are aerobic exercise movements that are easy to do and suitable for women. The results of aerobics can be obtained quickly if done consistently and regularly.